NAME: Erin
AGE: 20
STRONG POINTS: I have a great memory for facts and useless trivia information, grammar and spelling, I can get along with the majority of people
WEAK POINTS: Procrastinator in the extreme, I tend to hold in my emotions until they explode all at once in a huge nasty spectacle, anything math-related, sports, I suppose my self-esteem is low at times, I really hate massive changes
LIKES:Reading (mostly fantasy and military history), drawing, listening to almost any kind of music (my favorites are classical/instrumental and J-rock. I hate country, hardcore rap, and modern religious music.), writing, RPing, hanging out with friends, inside jokes, sleep, the majority of animals, working technology, being able to find clothes/shoes that I actually like that actually fit (a near impossibility), traveling, cosplaying, conventions, having money to spend, good food, nice weather, interesting classes, people who know how to have an intelligent argument without turning it into a scream-fest, watching movies, laughing until I cry, listening to people speak foriegn languages, swimming, fencing
DISLIKES:babies and little kids, being forced against my will to participate in group projects involving massive printing and copying for people I'm not sure will do their fair share, group projects in general, people who can't chew their gum with their mouth shut, parents who refuse to control their hell-spawned children in public places, old appliances, extreme heat, malfunctioning technology, large amounts of homework, having to lower my expectations, not being taken seriously when I'm being serious, last-minute plans, whiny liberals, wannabe-Communists, people who can't back up their opinions with anything except "Well, he just sucks" ect., people always on their cell phones (especially while driving or in the movie theater), girls who can't accept the fact that the skimpy clothes at the store aren't meant for their body type and so walk around with a spare tire's worth of blubber hanging out for everyone to see, people who complain that "It's so cold" when they're running around in tiny skirts and flipflops and spaghetti strap shirts in December, new printer ink cartridges that only have enough ink in them to print out 5 pages before they die, terrible grammar and spelling, chat-speak, being harassed, hearing the same questions 24 times, tourists, tornado warnings, enforced creativity (read: 'creative' writing class that only allows for realistic writing. Ew), liberal arts classes, crowded buses
FAVORITE CHARACTER, AND WHY?: Zechs. I like pretty much everything about him as a character. (Not to mention Koyasu Takehito as his seiyuu is a definite plus.)
MOST HATED CHARACTER, AND WHY?: Catherine. It's most likely the hair.
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: I'm not really sure. Probably the colonists' side, because being governed by someone so far away seems ridiculous to me.
First, an old one from senior prom.
And now a newer one, from this past May on the return trip from Animazement.