Operation Meteor

Oct 08, 2006 11:15

NAME: Jennifer
AGE: 17

STRONG POINTS: I'm generally a kind and helpful person and can be friendly once you get to me. I'm fairly outgoing, I don't necessarily approach others, but if they talk to me I'll talk back as long as they're not some kind of freak. I'm also persistent and will do whatever it takes to get what I want. I'm pretty intelligent and people seem to think that I'm really smart. I'm intuitive and can usually guess correctly. I'm also good at hiding my emotions and acting calm, most people at school can't tell that I'm annoyed with them. I'm a goody-goody at heart.

WEAK POINTS: I'm stubborn LIEK WHOA. I'm irritable and a have a low tolerance level for anything stupid or wrong. I can get cocky and don't like losing. My temper would probably go here too though I know better than to let it come out in public and I tend to hide it. I have a short attention span and space out alot. I can be sarcastic and a bit of a smartass. I sometimes don't know when to keep my mouth shut. While I like to think things through, I sometimes act on impulse and can be quite reckless. I don't handle failure well and can get broody and/or angsty. I'm pretty hard on myself, especially if things aren't going well. I'm also incredibly indecisive.

LIKES: Bleach. Anime. Manga. Hanging out with family and friends. Peace and quiet. Fashion. Video Games. Plushies. Sports. Photoshop. Food.

DISLIKES: Phones. People who feel the need to call 5 times in a fricking row. Stop please. Stupidity. Idiots. Noobs. Essays. Homework. My current English teacher. Wasting time. People with no moral values. People who abuse drugs. Annoying people. People who don't know when to shut up. Constant bitching. Smoking. Posers. Country music. Crime. Emo. Getting up early in the morning. Failing. Getting sick. Class Discussions. Being pestered. Jerk-offs. Single-minded people. Arrogant people.

DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN ONE WORD: Complex. I know, I cheated.

FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Quatre. He's always been my favorite. I'm really not sure why. I also really like Duo; I just love his personality.

MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Relena and Wufei. Relena was just freaking annoying and annoyed to no end with all her peace and Heero obsession crap. I hated Wufei; he was a jerk-off and an arrogant sexist and I think his judgement is seriously flawed. I didn't like Sally, Hilde, and Dorothy much either.

IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: I wouldn't be in the war unless you forcibly drag me into it and threaten to kill my family and friends.

PICTURE DESCRIPTION: I don't have any pictures, so you get a description. I know, more reading, you're so excited.

I'm really short standing only at 5'2". I have naturally dark brown wavy hair that I tend to straighten just because it looks bad and messy otherwise. I also have brown eyes and weight about 110 lbs. Shall I expand? Nah, I don't feel like it.

lucrezia noin

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