NAME: September
AGE: 24
STRONG POINTS: I think that I can safely say that I'm a very intelligent person. I'm clever and articulate, and have a vivid imagination. I'm capable of criticizing myself. Also, I usually genuinely try to be kind to people, and I try to understand them. I like taking risks, too; I'm very good at acting self-confident even when I'm a bundle of nerves, because I like overcoming things I'm afraid of. I guess that's a form of bravery. I'm assertive when I'm comfortable, though my level of comfort is based on the actions of other people. I'm very independent (sometimes too independent). I am in touch with my emotions, though I dislike expressing them. It's easy for me to connect with things emotionally; I cry easily. Also, while I can get agitated on the whole I'm a very... serene sort of person. I'm careful, and think about things before jumping into them. I'm a peaceable person outside of my family and friends; I don't pick fights with people who I don't see as part of my... “inner circle”, as it were. I can be stubborn in both good and bad ways; in the good, it's that I don't conform my opinions to other people, although I don't pick fights. I'm not always what I seem; I'm good at pretending.
I'm also fairly humble; I can be proud of my achievements, and I often look down on people who aren't as smart as I am, but when I am arrogant it's not in a nasty way. I'm not really a nasty person by nature. Also, I'm a good teacher (I've been a reading tutor at the library numerous times); I'm considerate towards my students, and try to make it fun for them. I'm open-minded, but I also have a strong sense of what's right and wrong; I can get very riled up if something is unfair.
WEAK POINTS: I'm grumpy and moody. I'm paradoxically the most volatile towards people I'm close to; if I'm rude to you, it either means that I count you as a good friend, or else I really don't like you. I can also be a touch, well, spineless when it comes to emotions and social situations; I have a lot of trouble expressing my emotions, and am very insecure about my opinions and likes-essentially, my identity. I'm afraid of being judged and disliked, and I have a bit of an ostrich mentality in that if somebody doesn't seem to like me I'd rather avoid them than talk to them and have my fears realized. I can be very impatient, especially with people who can't keep up with me. I'm a very private, secretive person; sometimes I confess I even border on deceitful. My “good at pretending” traits can sometimes wander into the realm of “falsity”. I can put my foot in my mouth. I'm a huge worrier, too, and often take being cautious to the extreme. I have a bit of a morbid streak. I can also be stubborn in a bad way, as I said; I have these “blocking” moments where I really just don't get something, or I have this idea that I won't let go of, this notion in my head which I won't change.
I'm emotionally inept, I'd say; I'm not very good at dealing with people. I'm very shy and am easy to ignore if you don't take the initiative. Mostly, my weaknesses lie in the social arena. I can be brusque, too; I'm definitely not a very affectionate person. Also, I can be a real scatter-brain; I'm a daydreamer, and despite the fact that I talk a lot when you get me going I'm more introverted by nature, absorbed by my own thoughts. I'm not good with closeness, on the whole; I tend to keep people at an arm's length. I also have trouble with authority; as I said I'm a very independent person and sometimes this translates into rebellious. And yes, this does contradict my “spineless” qualities. I have discovered that I'm a walking bundle of contradictions, which is probably why I'm so unsure of myself.
Oh, yeah, and sometimes I can be too self-critical. I'm uncertain, doubting, and not sure of myself. I beat myself up. I protect myself and can be very closed-off; I'm often unaware of the world around me, and isolate myself (though in other ways I'm very aware; like I said, lots of contradictions and things which depend on various external and internal factors). I'm very defensive, and take things too personally; I have a tendency not to react well to teasing, though it depends on my mood and who's doing the teasing.
LIKES: Fantasy, fiction, writing, surfing the 'net, biking, solitude, inspiring music, playing piano, music in general, hot chocolate, stormy weather, a good story, a good laugh, and lots of other things, too.
DISLIKES: People who can't spell, bigots, illogical people, being disregarded, myself when I don't stand up for myself, totally arrogant and oblivious people, failing, life in general sometimes, hopelessness, being rejected, rain on a sunny day, alcohol, people who smoke cigarettes around me, illness, manufactured music... the list goes on. Yeah, on the whole I'm a more negative than positive person.
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: First off, there's Dorothy. I love her because she's such a complex, multi-layered character. There's so many ways you can interpret her... plus, when you come down to it she just kicks major ass. Her role in Endless Waltz? So awesome. Then there's Trowa. I don't know just what it is that draws me to Trowa; partly, I think it's that he's just as open to interpretation as Dorothy. Secondly... with Trowa, as with Dorothy, you can really go places. There's so much room for development with him, in my opinion.
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: I don't really... hate any of the characters. I don't wholly dislike any of them, either. I'm... well, Catherine gets on my nerves sometimes with regards to her behaviour towards Trowa, but even then I can understand. That's the trouble with me, I can always see the other side of things >.< Which makes it difficult to really dislike somebody; I can see that Cathy, for instance, acts as she does towards Trowa because she's very attached to him and she has lost people close to her before too many times.
But I would say that the character I dislike the most is Tsuberov, because of his pettiness. I can't really see anything underlying his actions that's in any way noble; it's just greed and the desire to be the best, to be recognized.
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: I'm not really sure I'd be fighting at all. I just... couldn't imagine killing anybody. I don't think I have the guts, plain and simple. I think that I would support the Gundams, though. The general notion of freedom to the colonies would be one I'd support, and the fact that the Gundams don't target civilians means that I wouldn't have any cause to think them hypocritical, etc. Though the destruction of the Alliance pacifists would have shaken my faith. But hey. Like I said, I wouldn't be fighting, but I'd probably support freedom and peace.
PICTURE/DESCRIPTION: I don't have any pictures, I'm afraid, so I'll describe myself verbally. I'm pretty short at 5'6'', with hazelish-brown eyes and short mouse-brown hair. And when I say short I mean, an inch at its longest. My face is roundish, more curves than angles; I guess I could be called a pretty boy. I have a low-bridged nose, full lips, a small chin, round eyes and arched eyebrows. My build is average; I'm pretty muscular. I'm Caucasian, by the by. Nothing else to say, really.
*grins* Sorry, that got pretty long. But whenever I do this self-analysis stuff I can't help but go really in-depth.