Operation Meteor

Dec 12, 2006 13:30

I want to re-apply because I don't think that I'm like Quatre. He is cute and nice all the time, but I think I'm not all the time.


STRONG POINTS: Maybe I have more strong point, but I think my bigest points are that I'm friendly, loyal, stubborn /If I want something I can do even impossible to reach it/ and I want to protect my closest people /family and friends/ from everything and everyone and sometimes I may overdo it.

WEAK POINTS: Maybe I have more weak point, but my bigest points are that I'm stubborne /time to time/, I'm quite impatient and my rush temper.

LIKES:anime, manga, heavy metal, taekwon-do, football, volleyball, star wars, star trek, lord of the ring, queen, nightwish, jedi, juventus, samurai, yaoi and more.

DISLIKES:Lies,liars, driveller, "grand ladys" and being humiliated.

DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN ONE WORD: I can't say only one, because the words are two /according to my friends and family/ - loyal and protective.I don't know, but I think that I'm loyal and protective in the same way

FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: First of all I like Heero and Duo. Heero because of his attention to detail and his determination.... Duo. Who don't like Duo?.
Second I like Wufei, Trowa and Zechs, because I think that there is something intriguing and mystic around them.

MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Relena, maybe because of the way she acting and because I think she is very annoying....But when I think I may say that I hate all waman characters /and because of that I hope that all of you don't say some such character/.

IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: I prefer to think about this when the time comes. Then i will decide without thinking....But if the war is now maybe I'll fight for the Colonies,because I think that everyone can be freed and because they believed in freedom.

PICTURE / DESCRIPTION: Pictures I prefer.

zechs merquise

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