Thanks to all who take the time to read and rate!
NAME: Catherine
AGE: 17
STRONG POINTS: Easy-going, clever, kind, observant, friendly, full of wonder, creative, open-minded, fun-loving, absent-minded, inutitive, ... mostly honest, flexible/versatile, and... literally, very flexible c;
WEAK POINTS: Tendency towards despair & drug/alcohol addiction, moody, cynical, an oddball, pessimistic, delinquint, can be lazy, can be a tad resentful, easily bored, attention deficit, distrustful until sure, resigned, desperate, plagued by guilt, and sneakiness/deception/thievery. Shit happens.
LIKES: Painting/art, nature, animals, forests, good friends, being useful, being cared for, euphoria, opiates, being respected and being around those I respect, learning, reading, conceptual thoughts/ideas, creative endeavors
DISLIKES: Cold, being/sleeping alone, loved ones in pain, those who are materialistic or shallow, the rich (to a fault), corruption, arrogance, wastefulness, being looked down upon or pitied, authority, complacency
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: This is a hard one. I most enjoy multifaceted characters. I suppose it would be a tie between Trowa-- so mysterious and tragic, Duo-- beautiful and generally likable, Treize-- commanding presence and and charm, and Zechs-- sad, unstable, insecure, and yet somehow so controlled and powerful.
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Hilde, and I have no idea why. Catherine, because she was grating, judgemental, and ruined my name. -laughs- I also remember a nagging dislike for Heero, at first, until I read fanfiction which cast him in a better light.
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: The G-boys' side: Peace is meaningless without the freedom to choose that peace, and do with it what one will. As said Demosthenes, "Beware lest in your anxiety to avoid war, you obtain a master."
PICTURE DESCRIPTION: The first is older, after cutting my hair. The latters, more recent, now that I'm growing it out.