NAME: Abelarda
AGE: 25
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius with Moon in Scorpio.
STRONG POINTS: Determined, practical, loyal, caring, compassionate and responsible.
WEAK POINTS: Stubborn, conservative, short-tempered, sometimes harsh, ambitious, a bit dominant and sarcastic.
LIKES: Reliability and professionalism; stabilisation and peace; good manners; people who respect one's privacy; intellectual challenges.
DISLIKES: Noise, crowds; changes; over-extraverted people, cry-babies; liars; cruelty and psychomanipulation.
DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN ONE WORD: Intense. In many meanings.
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: A lot of them. I like Trowa's melancholy, Wufei's pride, Zechs's complexity... I don't think I can choose only one.
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: I didn't like Relena at first, she seemed too clingy and naive, but I started to accept her as the story progresses.
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: If I had the possibility, I don't think I would like to get involved at all. I don't like dictatorship, but the idea of fighting for peace always seemed like a paradox to me. Besides, I'm very cautious when it comes to so-called 'fighting for ideals': it's not that I'm that cynical, I'm just a bit of a sceptic: good intentions are usually not enough. If I'd get involved, I'd probably help the people that I care about, not the case itself. But on the other hand, one can never truly answer this kind of question until the situation occurs; I guess I would have to be there, see it with my very own eyes - and then I'd be able to decide what to do.