Name: Azriel
Age: 18
Astrological Sign: tropical Pisces // sidereal Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: metal Horse
Strong Points: To begin with one simple word, "confident". I'm not a 'social butterfly', but I don't dawdle around questioning my decisions or feeling self-conscious; actually it never really occurs to me to do those things. I don't spend much time worrying about what other people think about me, and generally am happy to do my own thing, though I've been told that that -- coupled with my tendency to be serious -- makes me a bit intimidating to people who don't know me personally. I'm mature, and always willing to face my issues rather than run from them. I'm dependable and trustworthy. I'm not particularly energetic outwardly -- meaning, I am the last person in the world you would call 'hyper' -- but I can get very engaged and "into" conversations when the people I'm talking to have something to really say. I'm good at listening to people and offering advice if they want it, and for some reason, most people seem to trust me quickly. You can tell me anything, and if you don't want me to share it, I won't. You don't have to worry about me spilling your secrets, since I really don't have much appreciation for gossip. I'm determined, and like to plan ahead. I'm the one people go to when they have problems -- not because I'll offer them a hug and cup of tea (er, no), but because I'm the one they can always trust to be bluntly honest, and because they know I'll do what I can to help them. I'm not a particularly expressive person, but that means to me that I don't let myself be guided by impulsive emotions. I'm extremely logic-driven, and almost everything I do is done for a reason. I have good self control. I'm decisive -- maybe too much so -- and you had better have a damned convincing argument if you want to try to change my mind. I accept people as they are, and like them best that way. Lastly -- and this sort of leads into my 'weaknesses' section -- I am a master at keeping a straight face. You know how some people try to cheer others up by telling them "Don't smile!"? Yeah, doesn't work on me. However, this makes my delivery of jokes pretty much awesome.
Weak Points: I have an extremely difficult time 'translating' my emotions from thought into action. For me, feelings are more like conscious recognitions of "this makes me happy" or "hm, I don't like this", etc. I'm an intensely logic-based personality, so almost everything gets placed into some kind of mental "filing system" for me, and I personally believe that my head tries to do the same thing to feelings in order to make better sense out of them. So even if I feel something, it might not show outwardly, and it's not because I consciously choose to restrain myself. Because of this, far too many people have joked/accused that I don't have feelings at all. I remember in my earlier school days that I used to get frustrated because my teachers would send letters home to my parents, saying that they worried about me. I had one teacher write (and I quote, I'm reading the letter right now) that I was "the most deathly serious student she had ever had in her sixteen years of teaching". Another good example was this one time that I was at work, and I was on my knees cleaning up under a table, and one of my coworkers got down on the floor beside me and said "It's okay to smile sometimes, you know". It bothers me when people assume that I'm dispassionate, apathetic, or cold just because I don't broadcast on my face every thought or feeling which passes my mind. To someone like me, things like that just...aren't necessary. Feeling it at all is enough, so why can't I just enjoy it by myself instead of getting everyone else in on it too? However, this arises out of my love for practicality, and not out of a complete lack of compassion.
Speaking of practical, I am a very pragmatic person; sometimes too much so. So I sometimes do things with the intention of it being for the good of everybody, but end up hurting someone in the process. (And I hate that; I honestly don't like hurting people, and I would never go out of my way to do it.) I am terribly honest, though I do make the effort to weigh my words before letting them fly if the subject is touchy. I dislike expressing any sort of dependency on other people, and sometimes I'll become vague or distant if someone seems to be getting too close too quickly. Also, I have little rituals, though I'm not sure if they count as 'weaknesses'. Seriously, ask me about my method of sorting small colored things. There's a system.
Likes: Writing, reading, drawing, intelligent and casual discussion, comfortable silence, small groups of close-knit people, technology and gadgets (my laptop and iPod are more commonly on my person than my phone, okay? And my laptop has a name, but we aren't going to go there), concerts, foreign language, cars and motorcycles, rain, psychology and anatomy, smart people in general.
Dislikes: Most group work. I'm fine with other people, but I simply work best alone. Intolerance and close-mindedness, willful ignorance. I don't do small talk well (unless it's actually leading somewhere), and I don't understand it much. People who are nasty to others simply because it's in their power to do so. And, above almost everything else, failure. The worst thing in the world is knowing you've done something wrong, and not being able to go back and fix it.
Describe yourself in one word:
INTJ. (Painfully true. I have taken multiple tests in a clinical setting -- as in, the tests were given by a professional. This is my correct MBTI reading.)
Favorite character[s] and why? I have several, but I think that Heero is my over-all favorite. I like Heero because he's not one to waste words or gestures, which is one of my big pet peeves, and he isn't out to prove himself to anyone. He does what he does. I like that, because it gives a sense of confidence, at least to the extent that he's aware of what he can do. He's a bit of a rebellious spirit, and not in an obnoxious, trying-too-hard-to-act-like-he-doesn't-want-attention-but-actually-desperately-does kind of way. He's rebellious in that he doesn't waste his effort on making people feel warm and cuddly (an accepted social norm) when that's obviously not the most important issue. Back to the idea of wasting words. He also is a logical character, and doesn't let emotions overrun rational thought. I won't say that I 'understand' him, because that'd be a little pretentious, but he embodies a number of things which I personally consider to be good qualities.
Most hated character[s] and why? It's practically the default answer, but I still have to say Relena. I don't find her at all interesting, nor do I connect well with her character, but I can grudgingly admit that she has her place -- although her purpose could have been carried out by someone more appealing. I also found Lady Une to be kind of ''-inducing.
On the other hand, Relena's schoolmates can pretty much go
Plath themselves.
If you were involved in the Eve War, whose side would you be on and why? The rebels, naturally. I personally think that pacifism is something which only works for so long. So while I don't believe in searching for fights, I'm certainly no pacifist; I'm perfectly willing to pull out my ass-kicking shoes when the goal is one worth fighting for. On that -- "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
Well said, Mr. Mill.