NAME: Laura
AGE: 19
STRONG POINTS: When I set my mind to something, I don't give up easily, and I'm good at working through puzzles and such (although it might take me a little while, depending on the difficulty). Physically, although I'm short and rather skinny, I'm in good shape, and what I lack in muscle strength I make up for with endurance.
WEAK POINTS: I am a HUGE procrastinator, I'm emotionally sensitive and have a tendency to take things personally (although I'm getting better about that), I'm pretty gullible (because I'm so trusting, haha), and I apologize a lot. Physically, I'm short and on the skinny side, so I'm not good at taking TOO many hard hits. Ha!
LIKES: Birds, cats, horses, music (if it's not actually present, it's playing in my head), visual art, seafood (especially fish and shrimp), foreign languages, cosplaying, good humor, friendly people, musicals, sunny days.
DISLIKES: People who can't take hints and/or a joke, hypocrites, unexpected loud noises (slamming doors, popping balloons, etc.), spiders (and most other creepy-crawlies, but only when they're in my personal space), arrogancy, honesty to a fault.
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Duo Maxwell, because (in my opinion) he's a strong pillar of support for the other Gundam pilots. He knows what he's doing as a pilot, but at the same time, he brings a touch of humanity to the others. He's not afraid to joke around and act like a "normal" teenager, which I feel is something that his fellow pilots benefit from seeing. (Also, I just like him for his sense of humor. XD)
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: I don't really "hate" any characters (hate is a strong word, after all), although I do find that Relena gets on my nerves more often than any others. (This answer is so over-used. XD) ...It's strange, but I don't really have any "good" reason for not liking her much... She's just... not very interesting in my opinion, although I do acknowledge that she plays her part in the series. I just see her and think... "meh." *shrug*
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: I'd like to say I'd be fighting for the colonies and side with the Gundams, but it'd really depend on how much I knew of the conflict and what my origins were. (If I were on earth, wouldn't I know less about the colonies's struggles and side with the Alliance?) I mean, watching the show as an outsider looking in, I know the plot, whose-who, and what's-what (a.k.a. things I wouldn't normally know all at the same time), which isn't really fair. However, if I found out the whole story (the true face of OZ, the Gundam pilots's positions, etc.), I would definitely side with the pilots. (...Dang, I think about things too hard. XD)
(I chose this picture solely for the shirt I was wearing. XD)