NAME: Maggie
AGE: 20
STRONG POINTS: Creative, good sense of humor, very laid back, intelligent, loyal but not blindly so, I care a lot about people even though I don't always show it or act like it, tough, don't take myself too seriously, protective
WEAK POINTS: Pretty bad temper if provoked enough, don't always think things through very well, big procrastinator (hey, I can't help it if I work better under pressure ;D), not very open with my emotions, tend to joke around too much (apparently it's hard to tell when I'm actually being sincere), the word "frustrating" has been used to describe me, easily bored
LIKES: Art, music, thunderstorms, voice acting, anime/manga, history, psychology, psychological thriller type stuff, video games, travel, teasing people (especially my boyfriend), horseback riding, rollarcoasters, heights, warm weather, sunny days, writing stories, Celtic mythology, theatre, fencing, C.S. Lewis, alternative/indy rock, lots more stuff I'm probably not remembering
DISLIKES: Cold weather, math, morons, having to repeat myself over and over, cruelty, blood especially the smell, being forced to do something I don't want to do, being overly protected because I'm a girl, spicy food
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Duo FTW. XD I love how he manages to keep an upbeat attitude despite everything and is pretty much awesome. I like Quartre a lot too. His character development was interesting to watch, and he's such a sweetheart.
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: I don't think I really have one. I guess Dorothy, if I had to pick one. She kinda bugged me (I think it was her obsession with war and fighting).
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: I don't know, guess I'd be trying to stop it, since all the fighting seemed pretty pointless to me. I mean, there were good people in the colonies and on Earth, right?
Sorry, couldn't rotate it. ^^;