I was working bag check and this walked in. Yummm.
He looked better without the glasses, but I forgot to ask him to take them off.
OMFG wow. Too bad they're both girls.
I have a new girlcrush. Also, how is that staying on the places it needs to be on?!
The one on the right just walked up to me and hugged me. It was cool :)
Best styled wig I saw all weekend.
He had a posse of fangirls following him around. It was cute :)
I went all fangirly over the Walter one. It was embarrassing. But worth it.
They don't really show in this pic, but when this girl walked down the hall it was like OMG BOOBS.
I should work in professional wrestling. Vanna White, eat your heart out!
It covers my whole bed :)
MANGAMANGAMANGAMANGA! Per ounce, it's cheaper than crack.
It was $35 for 4 DVDs. I couldn't afford not to buy it!
I walked up to Jennie's table and went, "I need 12 months of men in kilts." She said, "$5, please!"
My badge :)
The cast poster! Wait, what's that in the bottom right corner?
Why I do believe that it's an autograph! But there is one thing better than an autograph...
And that's original art! I asked for Martin and Pintsize's evil twins.
I would squeeze myself into a miniskirt for this man, I really would. Too bad he's taken. And fictional. Ah well, I can console myself with the knowledge that her name is Liza.
I watched 4 episodes of "Bleach" on the way there. I was on a little bit of a bender.
Yeah, I'm a fangirl. Your point? This one took me back to the good ol' days when slash fanfiction was written by people who could use the English language with any facility whatsoever.
"Wicked Retahded." <3~~~~~~ Boston XD And Ishida and Ichigo's relationship is almost EXACTLY like the one between the Sox and the Yankees.
By the way, GO SOX! Four home runs in a row last night! Sorry New York, maybe next year.