(Gwathren) *pounces Thorondir* Tired of being angry with you. And the inside of my room is boring.
(Thorondir) Oh. Okay
(Gwathren) So. You're it. *flees*
(Thorondir) I'm what?
(Gwathren) You're it. You have to chase me and tag me back and then I'd be it and it sorta keeps going...
(Thorondir) I don't get it.
(Gwathren) ...it's a game. You have to try to tag me and if you do then I have to try to tag you back.
(Thorondir) *confused look*
(Gwathren) *eyedarts* Are you mocking me?
(Thorondir) I would never do that
(Gwathren) Oh okay. Well then nevermind. I'm probably not explaining very well.
(Thorondir) *pats Gwathren on the shoulder* It's okay. Tag. *runs*
(Gwathren) O.O You tricked me! *chases*
(Thorondir) *dives into Grima's room and locks the door*
(Gwathren) Oh no. I can't get in... Oh well. I guess Thorondir won. Ooh look shiney thing. *walk off noisily a bit*
(Thorondir) *peeks out*
(Gwathern) *Lunges at the door*
(Thorondir) O_O
(Gwathern) *tackles* Gotcha!
(Thorondi) damnit. *smack* you're it
(Gwathren) *bite* you're it.
(Thorondir) *gnaw*
(Gwathren) *scratches*
(Thorondir) *plays dead*
(Gwathern) O.O Diri? Diri are you okay?
(Thorondir) x_x
(Gwathren) *puts an ear to his chest* Nooooo I didn't mean to kill you...
(Thorondir) *grabs Gwathren*
(Gwathern) *squeals* YOU! You you you....
(Thorondir) *grins*
(Gwathren) *glares* ...You didn't scare me one bit...
(Thorondir) Oh good
(Gwathren) ¬.¬ *pulls arms free and tickles*
(Thorondir) *flail*
(Gwathren) Hehehe...
(Gwathren) I guess that makes you it so *runs*
(Thorondir) *yawns, curls up on the floor and closes his eyes*
(Gwathren) ...mn. If you're tired you really should go back to your room *eyedarts* Or Grima might wonder what you're doing there...
(Thorondir) mmph
(Gwathren) *grabs Thorondir's arms and tries to drag him down the hall*
(Thorondir) *wraps around Gwathren's legs*
(Gwathren) Eeeeh! *looses balance and collapses on Thorondir*
(Thorondir) ...ribs. ow
(Gwathern) oops... *tries to scrabble off him* I'm sorry are you okay?
(Thorondir) x_x
(Gwathren) *pokes him suspicously* Diri?
(Thorondir) X_X
(Gwathren) *voice trembling* If you're playing with me say something or I'm going to find Ioreth...
(Thorondir) Can't you check for pulses?
(Gwathren) Check for pulses? What's that?
(Thorondir) ...nevermind. >.<
(Gwathren) *sits down beside him* well you could teach me you know.
(Thorondir) Can't teach you anything.
(Gwathren) What do you mean?
(Thorondir) You're dumb. You wouldn't remember it
(Gwathren) Yes I could. I do remember things. Ioreth said so.
(Thorondir) Oh, *Ioreth* said so
(Gwathren) Well she knows better than you do.
(Thorondir) Sure she does
(Gwathren) I asked her and she she said I'd have to learn everything by myself since I can. That's why she's not going to give me any more memories.
(Thorondir) that means she can't and doesn't want to admit it
(Gwathren) She could...She gave Trotter Aragorn's memories....
(Thorondir) *I* think that was an accident
(Gwathren) So...she could figure out how to do it again if she wanted to...and I just think she doesn't want to. Whose memories would I get anyways?
(Thorondir) Who'd want to give you theirs?
(Gwathren) ...yeah...so. I have to learn things by myself.
(Thorondir) bah
(Gwathren) I *can* learn.
(Thorondir) no you can't
(Gwathren) I can remember everything that's happened to me...how is that different from learning?
(Thorondir) it just is
(Gwathren) Well if I can't learn then what makes you think you can?
(Thorondir) I'm smarter than you
(Gwathern) Fine. But it's not like I enjoy being stupid so stop being angry with me because I am.
(Thorondir) bah
(Gwathren) Why does it matter to you anyways?
(Thorondir) Deep insecurity issues
(Gwathren) Oooh look a little bug!
(Thorondir) *pokes it*
(Gwathren) Don't hurt it. It has pretty wings.
(Thorondir) Get a jar.
(Gwathren) *runs to the kitchen, gets a jar and brings it back to Diri*
(Thorondir) *scoops the bug in and puts on the lid* *stabs some holes in it with his pocketknife* There. You've got a pet
(Gwathren) Ooh thank you. Um...what do you think it eats?
(Thorondir) leaves? Grass? I have a bug book in my room...
(Gwathren) Really? Can I see?
(Thorondir) *nods* Sure. It's got neat pictures
(Gwathren) Ooh fun. Thanks Diri.
My beetle's name is Floor. Because that's where we found him.