
Sep 14, 2005 01:32

Okay, so. Ending credits of Advent Children: Tseng's name is spelt "Tseng", like in the game from eight years ago. STILL don't get how they got "Tseng" from "Tson" (the romanization of his Japanese katakana spelling), but whatever. THE ENDING CREDITS OF FF7: LAST ORDER, THE OVA INCLUDED WITH THE ULTIMATE EDITION OF ADVENT CHILDREN? Spelt "Zeng". He also signs his name as "Zeng".

Okay. I can understand changing his name from "Tseng" to "Zeng" officially, since "Tseng" was an artifact of a badly translated game from eight years past, and they sure didn't have a problem with officially changing "Aeris" to "Aerith" (which, I still maintain, sounds like it's said from a RETARDED person with a goddamn LISP, but whatever). Granted, "Tseng" and "Zeng" are the same names--"Tseng" is simply the (RETARDED OBSOLETE) Wade-Giles romanization (Yes, it is the same "Tseng" as mine), whereas "Zeng" is the (AWESOME LOGICAL) Pin-Yin romanization (which is closer to how "Tseng" is ACTUALLY pronounced--take note of this if you ever meet me and choose to brave an attempt at pronouncing my last name!). But this! THIS! This is the SAME FREAKING PACKAGE! Why couldn't they have been CONSISTENT about it?!


In conclusion, I really should've changed my last name too when I changed my first name two years ago--"Zeng" would've made a lot of people's lives easier, because they might actually be able to pronounce my name close-to-correctly the first time around, rather than staring at it with a perturbed expression on their face before spewing out some gibberish that's supposed to be their rendition of "Tseng". It would've also put me at the end of most roll call sheets, making me awesome. <3

Oh well. I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with the fact that the first letters of my first and last name are eight letters from the first and last letter of the alphabet, respectively? Balance, yay! :x

(Yes, I think about these kinds of things, and yes, it does matter. Go away.)
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