Run free, inner child, run free with sharp objects and fire!
Here's a sequence I did with the 'burst' function on my SE K750i, Ashley turned the lights off between shots and one of them managed to catch while the light had half disappeared, excellent timing :D
Pretty scary, huh?
Aaand, of course, an artsy one :p
Now, slightly more childish, the last half an hour of work after the store closes on Sunday, we mess around and are generally silly. Today was no exception:
Yes, racking is a great place to sit...
Becki with the Christmas yappy dogs
And lastly, we couldn't resist...
Being childish is fun. Going to Paul and Robyn's tomorrow to watch a scary film and eat scarily unhealthy food. Get paid tomorrow also so the daytime will consist of me buying various products for my hair (I MUST have wavy hair for the show!) and other odds and ends such as hair grips and underwear (beige/tan/flesh coloured) for the show (which is 8 DAYS AWAY! MEEEEEP!)
Spent most of the afternoon stood at the security 'podium' by the door, pestering the guard and watching potential theives in the tool corral. Most of which turned out to be boring sods who really WERE reading the backs of packets, and had nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon. Yawn. Saw one guy get dragged off by the police though, it's always nice when that happens, justice and all that.
Gonna play some World of Warcraft now, feelin' rather dwarfy hehe