Five Senses Centering Meditation

Nov 14, 2021 11:58

This has been a really useful technique. I'm cutting and pasting from a UVM Medical Center blog article, but I added my own spin. This exercise is about noticing that you are currently OKAY. You're safe, surrounded by beauty, everything is OKAY right now. It's to be combined with deep breathing at each step ( Read more... )

joy, meditation, casaba chronicles, therapy

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Comments 3

zippybeta November 14 2021, 19:02:38 UTC
Hope you are doing well.


gwendally November 14 2021, 19:25:23 UTC

I am, thanks. Most of my writing is under friends lock. I just added you in case you want to add me back. :-)


lorigami November 15 2021, 15:16:56 UTC
this is lovely, thank you.


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