I’m at work today. My vision is a little foggy, but I can see and I have no pain. I have a doctor’s appointment in the morning to remove the contact bandages that are in my eyes. After that appointment I am driving with my mother sister and niece to Michigan for my Grandmothers funeral. So, this week should prove to be a little bittersweet. The
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Today i went to the Huntsville center for sight. I was there about 4 hours. They examined every part of my eye and believe that if they preform lasik surgery on me they can restore my vision to 20/20. they dilated my eyes (they are still dilated now) ( see )
Next Wednesday I have an appointment to see if I'm eligible for lasik surgery. I am excited to think that I may never have to permanently wear glasses or contacts again. What freaks me out is the pictures of the surgery being done. I'm cool with the whole touching the eye thing. I've worn contacts so long that doesn't bother me. It's the peeling
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