1. Go to Put in username: nycareers; password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top n results.
- Personal Financial Planner
- Certified Public Accountant
- Corporate / Commercial Lawyer
- Lobbyist
- Politician
- Customs Broker
- Research Analyst (Financial)
- Civil Litigator
- Criminal Lawyer
- Lawyer
- Criminologist
- Purchaser
- Legal Secretary
- Hotel Desk Clerk
- Bank Teller
- Insurance Underwriter
- Judge
- Public Policy Analyst
- Political Aide
- Communications Specialist
I've bolded the ones I've done in the past and the ones I think I have a decent chance of doing in the future, and italicized the ones that, although I don't think I will actually do them, I think I would likely enjoy.
I think I'm probably in the right field.