here's a few, maybe more later. i love philadelphia and don't want to leave
i met one of my favorite artists... Kurt Halsey <3 :) <3
i got drunk and bonded with roomies
i want to know joanna and angela always.
labor day weekend was full of mom food, and road trips, and finding booze in a green plastic sandbox turtle hidden in the woods of Bel Air.
i'm a big fan of taylor auclair.
also, i've already gone to two theater productions, and two art galleries. and had chai at The Last Drop.. the most fantastic coffee shop in existance. and played a lot of video games and pretty much moved into Uber. St. I love Lou's roommates, cause part of me is a 14 year old boy who just likes playing MVP baseball on gamecube all day and making inappropriate jokes.
Also, these tibetan monks came to La Salle, which is very very awesome... and i've seen them make a mandala before at Boston U., but it never gets any less amazing.