Alllllrighty then - rules for the kink meme are as follows:
1. Prompts should be formatted as follows - pairing: kink/theme, anything you DON'T want in the prompt.
eg: Morgana/Gwen: submissive!Gwen, no non-con.
2. You may post prompts or answer them anonymously or signed in - whatever you want, BUT - anonymous replies to prompts, obviously, wont be added to your total tally of fulfilled prompts. (And any prompt may be fulfilled multiple times).
3. Whoever answers the most prompts wins... something. Kudos. Love. Cookies. A banner. Katie McGrath.
4. Any pairing, any rating, any prompt - so long as it's femmeslash.
5. If your response to a prompt contains something potentially triggering (non-con, dub-con, BDSM - whatever) that hasn't been specificed in the prompt itself, please warn for it in the header. If you're unsure whether or not you need to warn for something, warn for it anyway.
ETA: Please post multiple prompts seperately rather than all in one reply - it'll just make it easier to see who is answering which prompts.
That said - have fun! ^_^
(Oh, and also - the meme will be running until the end of the weekend, so, please take the banner and PIMP THIS EVERYWHERE).