Cons within the next year in Denmark related to either anime/manga/cosplay, comics in general or drawing...
October/November 2009:
TB-træf: 10-30 - 11/1 2009 (200 persons limit)
J-popcon: 11-6 - 11-8 2009
May 2010:
SVScon: 5-7 - 5-9 2010 5-21 - 5-23 2010
July 2010:Yari-con: 7-3 - 7-3 2010 (100 person limit
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Comments 4
They're very ambitious. O:
yari-con will probably have my main support though
Yari will probably be super cosy with just 100 people. I'll probably skip it though. Teenage fangirls scare me a little. Teenage fangirls on yaoi?!?!? Brrr... X)
My sure cons are TB-træf and Komiks. I'm actually an invited guest at the last one. :D
Funny how I'm not at any of the anime/manga/cosplay ones... I guess that shows where my true focus lies, and (more importantly) where the focus of the so-called anime/manga cons focus are NOT. X) (What? People are actually interested in manga in other ways than buying them at the dealers room? You're kidding, right?)
It's just that shcool is taking up so much of my time and money (a loooot of money)so I doubt J-popcon is even an option this year. Which is sad cause I really do like the social-aspect of it.
Haha OMG you're SOOO right about Yari-con, and not to sound arrogant, but I wouldn't mind showing up anyway and turn out to be the more mature/sombre one. I like my yaoi delivered with style and decency (STFU PORN CAN BE STYLISH AND DECENT XD).
I want to see if some interesting debates will occur or somehing lol.
I constantly hear TB træf is super nice. But that's going to have to wait, yet again...
Ohh guest star Gwenn. Sparkly O:
I could be all wrong about Yari. Maybe everyone will be rather old due to the age-limits. But unless I live in Odense at the time I'll skip. ;)
TB-træf is nice, all the social aspects of J-popcon but no overcrowding (or anime). I'm sort of exited about what it'll be like this year with the new location. :)
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