Weekly Roundup - February 24th 2012

Feb 25, 2012 16:37

A HUGE Happy Birthday to our Eoin Macken! 29 on the 21st of Feb! (and single!! *swoon*)
merlin_network has a birthday post filled with Eoin’s tweets and of course, banter with Tom Hopper (BFF)
gealach_ros has a post filled with Tom and Eoin twitter banter
merlin_network has links to Eoin Macken’s Twitter Pics of Awesome here 
gealach_ros has Eoin’s interview with Irish Show - JUICE

Breathing Spell by Eldee NC17 Canon

Light Foot Lads by littlesleepfic Modern AU NC17 Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine (warning: incest)
Never Ever Have I by Trojie Modern AU NC17 Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine (high school)

Chest Contest by new_kate NC17 Eoin/Bradley/Colin [editors pick also rec from otta_ff

A Blessing in Disguise by anon in the merlin_games fest Historical AU (the 60’s) R Gwaine/Arthur
Out of Reach by jammeke Modern AU PG13 Gwaine/Arthur
Honey by vix_spes Modern AU NC17 Gwaine/Leon
Let Go by celeste9 Canon R Gwaine/Leon

Memorable Mustang by anon at the merlin_games Modern AU SFW Merlin/Gwaine

merlin_games has started posting a multitude of fic and art, some alternative pairings
glomp_fest claiming for GlompFest 2.0 has begun (RPF and all pairings acceptable)
merlin_love free for all post is ongoing HERE
paperlegends Merlin Big Bang sign up opens on Feb 1st 
merlinbb_rpf is holding a MINIBANG until the next RPF BigBang later this year, Mini starts Feb 1st
derryere has a comment fest up here - The Happy Endings Fest - go claim a prompt NOW!
*As always, have a fic you want to plug, a fest, writing/art!THING you want to share with the Gwerlin world? HIT US UP HERE
** All previous fic recs will be located in this handy, dandy, CODED excel doc for your ease (and our memories)

#gwaine/?, @merlin_love, @paperlegends, @merlinbb_rpf, #colin/eoin/moresome, @comment fest, !art recs, !fic recs, @merlin-games, @glomp_fest, #merlin/gwaine

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