Title: Enveloping Recipient: grandlarseny Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None Summary: Catherine's doubts lurk in the back of her mind and in the bottom of her kitchen cabinet. Meanwhile, Trowa has some news to give her. Author: tealrose39
That was a really interesting set up. Cathy felt very in character as did Trowa. The relationship between the two of them has always felt like siblings and this fic captures that well.
This was great, I like all the insights into the other pilots slipped in and I adore cathy and how human her fears are. I also really love the setup of the world that's hinted at
I love the idea of Catherine as an idle collector of things. I really like that she felt guilty about getting the test done without his permission and the way that she handled it -- storing it somewhere that she didn't look often to avoid both the guilt and the temptation. There's so much room for a more intricate story here, but the snapshot that we get works well. :D
Thanks, haha, I thought she'd like the variety. Yeah, I was afraid to be walking on the edge of an angstfest, glad the story ended up working out for you ^^
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