Title: Gravity Recipient: lil_1337 Rating: G Warnings: Post-EW Summary: Trowa and Quatre head home. Author's Notes: I tried to combine introspective+romance from the prompt for this one. Author: scacao
I really enjoyed this fic. It had the strong Trowa and Quatre that I love so much. You did a great job of getting into Trowa's head and showing what he is thinking. The end made me laugh because that's Trowa for you, a man of action. There is so much symbolism and levels of meaning in homecoming and you showed it subtle ways. I also really liked the way it is clear that Trowa and Quatre are friends with the other pilots. Seeing them all as friends always makes me happy.
Thank you so much for writing this. It made my day.
I really enjoyed this. It seems somehow appropriate that they would rejoin the others this way. And the interaction is great. I loved Quatre's reaction to Trowa's suggestion. :D
This story was so sweet! I loved Trowa's introspection about his past life as Triton and his current one as Trowa. It was nice to see Quatre and Trowa acting so comfortably around each other.
Comments 17
Thank you so much for writing this. It made my day.
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