Title: Winter Recipient: ellebefore_emm Rating: K Warnings: None. Summary: Lady comes to terms with peace. Author's Notes: I hope this is close to what you had in mind. =) Author: liafic
This is a lovely fic. It speaks not only to Lady Une, but to all the soldiers who have known nothing but war. Trying to adjust to a world at peace is a hell of a transition to make especially when dealing with a huge loss at the same time. You make both Sally and Une human and likable in very different ways.
Thanks for your lovely review! Writing about these characters after the war ends is just such a fascinating exercise for me, as they are all dealing with a similar situation in very different ways.
This is absolutely gorgeous and I love it completely. I love the quiet tone of it, matching the fragility of the peace and Une's adjustment to her new place in the world. I almost feel like Une is one who would have the greatest adjustment to peace because of just how tightly she clung to Treize's philosophy and his plans and understanding of what the war aims were. I love this, truly. Thank you, so so much.
I'm so relieved to know that you liked it! I had never written Une before this, and I do feel that she would have great difficulty moving on after the war; her motives were never really clear aside from her relationship with Treize, and exploring a different dynamic between her and Sally was a really interesting writing experience. Thank you for your wonderful prompt!
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