Title: First Night Recipient: valenstyne Rating: PG-13 Warnings: yaoi, the world's lightest lime Summary: Trowa's first night sharing a bed with someone else. Author's Notes: You wanted fluffy 3x4, you got fluffy 3x4 <3 Author: scacao
Hahhaha, all the sap. <3. We envision Trowa's internal narration differently, but I think he's IC! And QUATRE, waking up because his boyfriend is worried, and then being immediately convinced it is his fault <33333333333333 kiiiids. (As Duo points out, IT IS QUATRE'S FAULT THERE ISN'T AIR IN SPACE. ;_; */kidding, but not kidding that Quatre will guilt give very little reason*)
Thank you for pointing me this way! I really liked it.
I'm glad you thought he is IC, this was maybe the second time I ever tried writing Trowa's POV. He's harrrrd :( Haha yeah Quatre being a little, uh, neurotic, is all over the series. Poor Q-ball...
Comments 13
Thank you for pointing me this way! I really liked it.
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