Name: James
Nicknames: Jack, Jax, Jimmy, Jamie
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Prefer being stamped as a male, female or either? Male, I guess. No, either. =)
Zodiacal Sign: I'm a virgo.
Favorite Color: Green. It's naturey and definitely the best eye color in existance.
Favorite Food: Homemade waffles? It changes quite often.
Likes: Cats, black tea, my big sister, birds, coffee, creating, singing
Dislikes: Jerks, war, hypocrites, losing people I care about
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, playing string bass and bass guitar
Strong Points: I can be a good leader when I'm pushed
Weak Points: I can still crack under that same pressure
Shy or Outgoing? Both. Sometimes at the same time. I still don't quite know how that works.
Leader or Follower? When I'm a leader (which happens more often than I realize, apparently), I sometimes don't even realize it. If no one stands up to be desisive, I do.
Dreams? I'd love to have a band and own a managerie of animals.
Plans for the future? I'd like to be a police detective or English teacher in Japan. Or maybe an English teacher here--I always like my English instructors, and I can ony hope to aspire to their eccentricity. =)
Describe yourself with up to six words: Lost, creative, dreamer, hopeless romantic, incomplete
Most important thing for you: I guess I really care about my sister.
Favorite Gundam Wing Character ( why )? I've always liked Quatre for his kindness. And he's very cute. Also, Hilde has always reminded me of a good friend. She's so cool.
Least favorite Gundam Wing Character ( why )? Dorothy? No, she's too funny. I don't like Quinze. He's... Ew.
Favorite moment on Gundam Wing: I'd have to say when the Zero was first built and the pilot is shown for the first time, breathing heavily with the glare of an explosion on his helmet. Then he's revelaed as Quatre. I find it amazing.
Anything else? I have three parakeets and a dove? My dad died when I was thirteen years old? I'm still a boy; people wonder about that one. I'm bi.
Please post at least three pictures of yourself, or a description:
I'm the one on the right. To the left s my big sister.
Uh... Me being a dork.
I'm the short guy. The tall one is my evil ex.
Me trying to be cool.
Thanks for your time, everyone.