I know. ;_; It sucks the big one, I really wanted to come this year. My stupid car had to pick now to start its death throes, and I have to throw money into a down payment for another one. Baaaaaaaah, I say.
Movie parties are the best kinds of parties. More people should have them, really. If I had my druthers, there'd be movie parties going on at all times.
Oh -- Gwyn -- Kelly watched Old Boy and liked it a great deal. He says it's one to own.
I must agree. One day a week should be a mandatory Play Day. And I've wanted to host a movie party for ages. Now I can!!
After this'n, we'll have:
Samurai Night Fever--Akira Kurosawa, baby.
Then I'm thinking I want a Zatoichi Night, to introduce as many of my friends to Zato as I can (those who've not already had this pushed on 'em, poor critters). And mebbe a psycho-thriller night, dedicated to movies (like Memento, f'rinstance) that mess with your head.
I still desire to do a Lord o' the Rings Marathon, too. Ah, plannage.
*hugs* Welcome to the Great Northwest, woman. See you in a couple weeks!!
I completely know the feeling. Since Eric came to visit me for the summer, my online time has gone from 5pm - 12am to an hour a day, if I'm lucky. Not quite sure...I miss being online, but...there's an _ERIC_! Here! In cuddlepounce distance! ^^
Comments 17
Speaking of which, I'll be hosting a Movie Party in September, and you-awl are invited. More on that when we come down. That's gonna be such a blast!!
*hugs* Go play. :)
Oooh, movie party. That sounds like a tempting thing ... do you know whenabouts?
Oh -- Gwyn -- Kelly watched Old Boy and liked it a great deal. He says it's one to own.
After this'n, we'll have:
Samurai Night Fever--Akira Kurosawa, baby.
Then I'm thinking I want a Zatoichi Night, to introduce as many of my friends to Zato as I can (those who've not already had this pushed on 'em, poor critters). And mebbe a psycho-thriller night, dedicated to movies (like Memento, f'rinstance) that mess with your head.
I still desire to do a Lord o' the Rings Marathon, too. Ah, plannage.
*hugs* Welcome to the Great Northwest, woman. See you in a couple weeks!!
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