Belated Halloween post

Nov 15, 2005 02:06

Yes, there were pictures, and i have finally cropped and resized them and put them into an album, which is here, if you would like them without narrative. Under the cut are many pictures from that album, with a little commentary!

So our big get together for costuming and horror movies we did on the Saturday before Christmas. participants included:
The lovely and flashy Rachel as glam rocker in specs.

The terrifying and evil an as a dark priest kinda guy.

The ever astonishing and beautiful Sarah as the dark green fairy girl.

The red-eyed and solemn Matt as a goth elf or something.

The chilling and beer drinking Trevor as a right wing conservative guy with no costume.

The crazy and irate Andy as a fightin' druid.

And the picture taking me as Michale Graves/Baron Samedi.

I could not find a skeleton shirt (crazy!) so I had to paint that motherfucker myself, and I did my make-up. Sarah did the make-up for Matt and Rachel and herself, as she is the talented queen of said make-up:

Then we all went out for tapas, and later watched "Dead and Breakfast", which is a pretty damn funny little zombie flick. Candy was consumed, drinks were had, and zombies were cheered for.

The night before Halloween, Sunday night, me and Sarah spent about three or four hours carving up four of our five pumpkins. Sarah, as the more expert, did a skull:

And the gal from Night of the Living Dead (this was an awesome looking pumpkin, which I do not think I managed to capture the full glory of. And she did it all without an exacto knife.)

I did the much simpler skeleton guy and hanging tree:

Sarah had to work Halloween night, but I stayed home to pass out candy. We got loads of kids! Lots had kind of poor costumes, which was sad, and some tried to get candy with NO costumes. There was a terribly cute skeleton and devil boy, though, and a trio of Mexican adolescent girls that were supposed to be Juggalos, I think, who were awesome.

So, I leave you with this:


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