Dear eLJay Land...
I am not dead. :P
I have been quite busy for the past week or so... work's gotten busier, i'm helping my dad out a bunch, he got in a kind of bad car accident (but is ok, just a bit banged up), attempting to pull my biz plan together for my own coffee shop and networking and talking to people, setting up appointments to discuss ideas with formers bosses and local biz owners, looking for lighting gigs, and mostly trying to help Tyler out since his knee surgery took place.
He's doing rather well, but is frustrated and hurty... it's been incredibly warm and gorgeous out this past week, and all he wants is to be out biking, rather than needing help from people to get around and do basic things like tying his shoes and such. the knee brace intereferes with a lot and is heavy to lug around while on crutches. overall though, he's doing really well, and actually kinda dealing better than i thought. i thought he was gonna be uber-stubborn and not ask for help when he really needed it, but he's been better than i thought about that. it's still a battle of wills sometimes, and can be hard not to jump in and be like "here, let me get that" for stupid shit i know he'd rather do himself and *CAN* do... but i'm getting the hang of where the lines are and he seems very happy to have me around every day. :) every time i think he might want a break or might be getting sick of me, he asks me to come over and keep him company again. so i guess it's all working out. :)
working with dad is going pretty well so far, and the little bit of $ i;ve made at this point has already really helped A LOT. w00t unto that... i helped clean and fdo some basis upkeep/maintenance on some ofhte vending machines on tuesday... things that it would occur to anyone with electronics training to do, perhaps, but not to someone without it. Rowe jukeboxes are full of design fail, btw. i used to help fix and program the one dad has in his house, and now he has digital, newer, nicer ones in the bars. who the F designs a wall-mounted jukebox with its main fan/heatsynch IN THE BACK so there is NO AIRFLOW and the HEAT BLOWS INTO THE WALL. o_O and then the only vent in the damn thing is at the bottom, it's teeny, and covered with cords, and dust accumulated in between them and clogs tha vent like whoa. definite design fail. :P
in less technically annoying n00z... i'm getting some lightgeeking gigz lined up.
in more generally aggravating n00z, the african/filipino barista trainer & the drop-dead-gorgeous peruvian food prep mgr @ work both told me that i was pretty much the whitest person they knew. i was sort of effended by that... there are way whiter people than i; i am not rich or ignorant, i do not have an entitlement complex, i don't listen exclusively to classic rock, i eat very little meat and am not preppy in the slightest... maybe i'm confusing "white" with "stereotypically american" though... and i said i thought htey were confusing "white" with "massively nerdy". i will freely admit that i am a giant fucking nerd :D but it sort of pained me to hear that they thought i was that damn white compared to some of the people we know who come in here all the time. haha...
and speaking of "here", i am at work right now using the wifi, and we all just got a raise! our raises were sort of measly and presented to us as this great gift, in typical InFusion fashion... but hey! something is certainly better than nothing, and I am quite happy about it. w00t to the d00t.
my old boss from CH Coffee Co. apparently came looking for me cause we had lost touch and he owed me some money. what a guy. haha... we're gonna have a meeting next week, and if he still wants to keep me on deck for being a mgr @ the 2nd location he wants to open, then i will certainly take it. i really kinda need to get into a mgr position before i open my own place, altho it isn't absolutely necessary... it would just be very beneficial, obviously. i would honestly prefer to stay @ InFusion until that point, but knowing what my old boss pays and not having to deal with the hipster bitches under their previous mgr... i would be a fool not to take the job. the way that he has his current shop set up, it's easily half the work for roughly %50 more pay. you can't beat it. :)
and on that note, i ought to stop blogging about work and actually get to doing some... sooo much biz research/errand running/info-sorting/etc to do, plus laundry & packing for this weekend at 4Qf. gahhh!!!
good thing i really like being busy...
Oh, P.S:
rachet, i'll have your stuff in the mail soon; as you can see, it's been a hectic coupla weeks. gb