Title: La La Land
Pairing: Yamashi (main), Ohgojima, Umichii, Ryuko, Marisaki
Genre: definitely Crack, Fluff-y?
macymacymacyRating: PG for language
Summary: Mirai had enough with la la land
"Mariya-chan and Misaki-kun are too sweet!" Saaya observed.
"Misaki-kun, why did you quit JE?" Mirai asked Misaki. She was thinking about her situation with Ryosuke.
"Well, my parents want me to focus more on my studies." Misaki said.
"That's why you quit? But you can just study at Horikoshi with us." Umika stated.
"Mainly. My dad wanted me to go to his old school. And the school is very strict. It's an all-boys-school'." he explained.
"So, you're kinda like Mariya-chan..." Mayuko observed.
"Yeah, and that's some sort of a silver lining for me. I wouldn't be worried if some weird girl suddenly kidnaps my Misa-kun or something." Mariya said.
The girls laugh. "But then, there's still the possibility that a guy would fall for him." Mariya added.
Misaki pouted. "Mariya, I told you Rai is not gay."
"But he's too friendly with you! Even more so than Kenta and the others! Are you sure??" Mariya said.
"Mariya..." Misaki sighed.
Mariya giggled. "Silly, I'm just kidding." she said, pinching Misaki's cheeks.
Both of them were surprised when there was a flash.
"You guys are just too cute!" Saaya said holding her digital camera.
"I'm starting to hate Misaki." Ryosuke grumbled.
"It was a good thing Misaki-kun quit JE then..." Mirai said.
"Well, there are good and bad things... " Misaki said. "I missed work but I think I can go back to the industry if I tried. And now I don't have to pretend." he continued.
Mirai just gave him a bitter smile. Mariya noticed it was a forced smile.
"Are you and Ryosuke okay?" she asked.
"We're fine." Mirai said not looking at her. "But I'm tired of pretending."
"Come on, Mirai-chan, don't be negative. I know everything will be fine in the end." Mariya said.
"Okay, let's stop the emo and have more fun!" Saaya announced. "Where do you wanna go next?" she asked the group at large.
"I wanna try the
Space Mountain." Mayuko suggested.
"Space Mountain it is!" Saaya said.
The girls plus Misaki moved towards Tomorrowland. And they went in line for Space Mountain.
"Okay, guys, that's my cue. I'll go now." Inoo said once he saw the ride. It was a roller coaster.
"No way, Inoo-chan! You have to come with us!" Yuto said.
"Why?!" Inoo asked.
"Cause the people would probably let the girls first again! We don't know how to do what you did earlier! That was cool!" Yuto said.
"You're being contradicting, Yuto. No. I won't. Yuto! You know I hate roller coasters!" He said.
"Just beg for us! Then you can go!" Ryosuke piped.
"Really guys, you're abusing me. This is too much."
‘He only notices now?’ Jingi thought.
"Please, Kei-chan? We promise this is the last." Yuri said using his puppy eyes.
"I honestly want to cry. I feel sorry for myself." Inoo muttered. "Fine, I'll beg, and that's it. I'll go home after that." he said.
But Inoo still rode the Space Mountain. (Yuri's doing)
After the ride, the girls went to the picture booth to see their candid photos. They had fun laughing at their own facial expressions and gushing about Mariya and Misaki being the perfect couple. In every picture, the couple didn't let go of each other's hand. And then, Mirai saw something.
"Look at this guy, the one screaming..." she pointed at the picture next to theirs. "He looks familiar..."
"That is Inoo Kei-san!" Umika exclaimed. "He's here?"
"I thought Inoo-san hate roller coaster? I watched their segment in Hyakushiki." Suzuka said.
"He does." Misaki said. "He hates all scream machines. What is he doing here?" he wondered aloud.
"Wait, that" Mayuko pointed. "That's Ryun!" she exclaimed.
"What is he doing here? We were supposed to meet but he said something came up. That was when you called me Suzuka-chan." she continued.
"You're right!" Saaya said. "And I think that guy's Shougo, it is! And Jingi, and there's Ryosuke, Yuri and Yuto!"
"They knew we were here?" Mirai asked.
"Someone probably heard us." Umika said. "So I didn't imagine hearing Yuri's voice earlier. Mirai-chan, they've been following us!"
"What is Ryosuke wearing?" Suzuka said pointing at Ryosuke's wig.
"So what do we do?" Mariya asked.
"For now, let them follow. We'll think of something later." Mirai said.
Misaki chuckled. And the girls looked at him. "I just pity Ryosuke and the others." he said grinning.
Mirai and the other girls smirked.
The boys waited till the girls were out of sight before they dismounted the Space Mountain. But then, Inoo-chan, couldn't get off the ride.
“Are you okay, Inoo-san?” Ryunosuke asked Inoo.
“You’re shaking...” Shougo commented.
“Y-you k-knew I-I’m weak a-at these things...” he said glaring at the three JUMP members.
Jingi assisted him in getting off, and when Inoo was finally on his feet again, they have lost the girls.
“You’re going already?” Mirai asked.
“I’m sorry, I have a photo shoot tomorrow, and I can’t stay out late.” Mariya said.
Mirai sighed. “Work again...”
“Promise me we’ll hang out soon again, okay?” Mirai said.
Mariya hugged him. “This is Shida Mirai asking me for my time?” she teased.
“I’m not that busy, I can go and visit you often. But say whenever you’re home or you’re in India, okay?” Mariya said.
Mirai snort. “I’m not that busy. And even if I am I still want to see my best friends.” She said.
The others also said their goodbyes to Mariya and Misaki.
As they were leaving, Misaki said, “It’s too bad I won’t see what they’ll do to the Ryosuke and the others.”
The boys exited the ride and found themselves faced with hubbub.
‘I really saw him! He’s one of the member of Hey! Say! JUMP!” they heard someone say.
They looked at each other, no one making any sound. Were they spotted?
They subtly went behind the big Mickey Mouse statue.
“Were we seen?” Yuri whispered to the group.
“Maybe.” Yuto said.
“What do we do?” they heard someone asked. But it was a girl’s voice.
They looked around, and from the other side of Mickey Mouse, they saw Ryutaro, Yabu and is that Fukuda Kanon?
“Kou-chan!” Inoo called.
“Kei! Yuto, Yama-chan, Chii! What are you doing here?” Yabu said surprised.
“Well-“ Inoo started but Yuri cut in.
“It’s a long story. How ‘bout you guys? What are you doing here?” he said.
“Well, long story cut short, I noticed Ryuu often goes out alone so I wondered where he goes then earlier I saw him leave again so I decided to follow him. He went here and met up with Fukuda-san. And then someone noticed Ryuu and started saying Ryuu was here so I grabbed both of them and dragged them here.” He explained.
“So it was Morimoto who was seen!” Ryunosuke said, relieved.
“Wait, Ryuu you know Fukuda-san?” Inoo asked.
“We’re classmates. We have a project together.” Ryuu said.
“I thought H!Ps goes to an all-girls-school?” Shougo asked.
“Uh-“ Ryutaro started but Kanon stopped him.
“We just wanted to hang out. We haven’t seen each other much these past months.” Kanon said.
“And your relationship would be?” Yabu asked cautiously.
“We’re friends.” Kanon said. “I met Ryuu-kun by accident when we were- how old are we then?” she asked Ryuu.
“Twelve, that was before JUMP debuted.” He answered.
Yabu mentally sighed in relief. It would be just too shocking if Ryuu who actually made Yabu explain ‘love’ to him, would already have a girlfriend.
“So you guys both hide the fact that you’re ‘friends’ and today sneak out to hang with each other here in Disneyland?” Ryosuke surmised in a teasing tone.
Both of Ryutaro and Kanon turned red.
Ryosuke smirked.
“Do you smell that?” Ryosuke said and started sniffing. “I don’t know but I think I smell something fishy here.” he started.
“Ryo-chan, before you start anything with Morimoto, might I remind you that we’re err looking for someone?” Jingi said.
“Oh shoot. Right.” Ryosuke said.
“Yabu-kun, um, we’re sorry but we have err to go. Now.” Yuri said. Yuri grabbed hold of Ryosuke.
“You promise. I won’t accompany you anymore, okay?” Inoo said.
“Okay...” Yuto said.
“Wait! What about the plushie?” Yuri asked.
“Right.” Inoo said. He thought for a second and then shrugged. He took something from his pocket and handed it to Yuri.“Here,” he said. It was his car keys. “I’ll go with Yabu and just get my car tomorrow.”
Being in a hurry, Yuri just took the keys and the boys all hastily went to the direction where they last saw the girls went.
“I’m finally let off!” Inoo cheered.
"It’s getting late. Where do they go, do you think?” Ryosuke asked his friends.
“I know!” Yuto said. “Suzuka loves bright lights! I bet they went to watch the parade!”
The boys went to the Main Street and surely, the
Electrical Parade was starting.
There were so many people and it was already dark so the boys couldn’t really see the girls.
They didn’t dare separate because they knew it would be hard to find each other again. They looked around together.
Yuto then, being the tallest, saw Suzuka. She was actually in his reach. He was about to tell the others to move back so the girls wouldn’t see them but then someone bumped into Suzuka.
Suzuka lost her balance. She was expecting to hit the cold hard floor but then someone caught her back. She has grabbed this someone’s arm and she regained her balance.
“Thank you.” She said as she turned to face the person.
It was a boy around her age. He smiled at her.
“You’re welcome. Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yes. I’m fine.” Suzuka answered.
“You-you’re Ohgo Suzuka-san, right?” another boy said excitedly.
Suzuka just nodded her head.
“Wow. I’m Naoto. I’m a big fan.” He introduced himself.
“Wait, I was the one who helped her! I’m Ryouta! I watched Shibatora, you were great!” the first boy said.
Two of their friends introduced themselves, too.
“I’m Shou. It’s really a pleasure to meet you, Ohgo-san!”
“I’m Takihiro. Yoroshiku.”
“Suzuka, you’re here! We thought we lost you!” Someone called from the back. It was Mirai.
“Mirai-chan. Sorry, I was separated with you guys.” She said.
“You’re Shida Mirai!” Shou exclaimed. And he looked around. “And Kawashima-san, Irie-san and Fukuda-san!” he said.
“We are so lucky!” the Takihiro-guy declared.
“Ah, Mirai-chan this is Ryouta-san. He helped me earlier.” Suzuka said when the other girls looked questioningly at her.
“And the others are his friends, Takihiro-san, Shou-san and Naoto-san.”
Yuto was staring at them.
Ryosuke noticed. He called the attention of the others, “Guys, the girls.” He said pointing to the girls.
“Who’re they?” Ryunosuke asked.
“I have no idea.” Jingi answered him.
“But I plan to find out.” Yuri said glaring at the guy who was talking to Umika.
“Mirai-chan, I need to go.” Mayuko said.
“Now?” Suzuka asked.
“Yeah, I said I’ll be back home by seven.” She said.
“Oh. That’s too bad. And the parade just started.” Saaya said.
“Yeah. Let’s do this some other time, ne?” Mayuko smiled at them.
“Definitely.” Mirai said.
The girls hugged and Mayuko left.
“It seems Mayuko’s going home now.” Shougo said to Ryun.
Ryunosuke wasn’t replying. He was just looking at Mayuko’s back.
“Jeez, lover boy, just go.” Ryosuke said.
Ryunosuke smiled at his friends, “Thanks, just call me if something happened, kay?”
“Sure. Go.” Yuto said.
And they watched Ryunosuke ran after Mayuko.
“It’s too bad Fukuda-san already left.” That Naoto-guy said.
That was when Mirai saw Ryunosuke. And she knew the others were around.
“Ohgo-san, um, can we... Can we maybe hang out with you girls? It’s just, I’m a big big big fan of you!” Takihiro exclaimed.
Mirai, then, spotted Ryosuke’s hat and saw Yuto’s head poking out the crowd. The boys were looking at Ryun.
Mirai nudge Saaya and pointed at the boys.
Saaya smirked. “Yes, the more, the merrier, ne?” Saaya said to the boys.
Umika looked at Saaya, eyes wide.
“Yuri and the others are here, I just wanna play with them a bit.” Saaya whispered to the other three.
Umika, too, grinned. But Suzuka and Mirai were still hesitant.
“Don’t worry, we can just ignore them. Just let them tag with us.” Umika added.
And so the girls went with their new acquaintances.
“They went with them!” Ryosuke said aghast.
“What are they playing at?!” Yuri growled.
“Come on, let’s follow them.” Yuto said.
The girls went to the
Haunted Mansion. And the boys’ eyes narrowed.
“I think these boys want to get some.” Shougo commented.
“Some injuries. Yeah.” Ryosuke snarl.
The girls with their new friends entered the ride. The boys followed suit.
The boys heard the girls’ laughter when they passed through the epitaphs.
They seem to be enjoying but hearing their new friends laugh with them incensed the boys.
“Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion. I am your host - your ‘ghost host.’” An eerie voice said.
Ryosuke couldn’t really see the girls, just their heads. This makes him uneasy. He knew Mirai was very afraid of ghosts and she have the habit of cuddling to him or her friends whenever she’s scared. He hopes, for the other party’s sake, that Mirai was sitting with one of her girl friends and not these new strangers.
Last part--->