First off, list the links of the three others you voted for:
I go by Burger on the internets.
See 'Name'. Yes, there is a story behind the nickname. No, I won't tell it to you.
Mindless reality TV, german, making icons, cartoons, chuck palahnuik, xenosaga, sleeping in, the lulz.
Hypocrites, furries, guro, hyperactive children, humid weather, when hurricanes run over my house, florida, religon, fanboys, immaturity.
Strong Points:
My temperate nature, independent, determined, strong-willed, forgiving.
Weak Points:
I procrastinate, alot. I can be overly-judgemental, and hold people to almost unobtainable moral expectations. I have serious trust issues, and it takes me awhile to open up to someone. I gossip too much.
Pet Peeves:
Otakus, fangirl japenese, japanaphilacs, the over-use of anime emoticons, people leaving my door open.
I like to draw, although mostly doodle. I'm a vocal major at my school, so I suppose you could say singing is a major hobby of mine.
I excell at reading and writing, and have an innate abilty to write essays on the spot and make it look like I know what I'm talking about.
Favorite Color:
Green, it's so natural and easy on the eyes.
Favorite Food:
Pistachio nuts are next to godliness.
Favorite Sport:
Snow skiing.
Where would you like to go in the world if you were able to go anywhere? Why?:
I would like to go to Berlin after I finish highschool, so I can polish off my german. I also love
the culture and history of Berlin, and I hear it's a very lively place as well.
Favorite quote/motto. Why?:
"Ignorance is bliss". Because it's so, so true.
Three adjectives about yourself:
Judgemental, mature, sarcastic
Mature or Immature?:
Mature, although I will show my immature side to a select unlucky few.
Leader or Follower?:
Leader, even when I have no followers.
What's your energy level- low, medium, or high?:
I'm a complete low-energy person, although like all people I have my moments.
Are you a morning or nighttime person?:
Nighttime person most definetely, I hate the mornings. I have horrible allergies so I always wake up with a headache and a stuffy nose. Not to mention my body seems to like waking up an noon more then at 6 am.
What's your role in your group(s) of friends?:
The low-key one who makes the occasional sarcastic quip to whatever is going on. I listen more then I talk.
Favorite character. Why?:
Juudai, easy. His determination is really admirable, and his kind personality makes me smile.
Least favorite character. Why?:
Shou annoys me the most out of the cast. He is so dependent on others, and let's people just walk all over him. His fan-boyish nature also does not help improve my opinion of him.
Favorite pairing. Why?:
Juudai/Manjyome, in that particular order. Manjyome puts on this tough act, but it's pretty obvious he's a big softie who just needs someone to care about him. Juudai is sweet and honest with his feelings, so I think he'd be a great match for someone like Manjyome. Not too mention these two make great foils for each other, and Juudai really does bring out the best in him.
Anything else?:
You forgot poland.
Describe what you look like in detail, or post atleast one or two, clear pictures of yourself. Please no cosplay:
I measure in at a measely 5"3, so it's suffice to say I'm shorter then average. I have short cropped dark brown hair and green eyes. I don't get out as often as I should, so I'm pretty pale.