Title: "Laundry Day"
Author: Erin (
Rating: PG-13ish for implied stuff
Prompt: Jubilee and Angelo do their laundry.
Note: Done completely by random really.
salpal, you should really consider making a GenX fic comm with challenges, cause your inspiring the crap out of me. :)
who bonds over laundry mats? )
Comments 2
I'm contemplating having this be something that happens a few times a year. I don't think a regular community like that would hold up over time. I might be wrong, but... ::shrugs::
Anyway! There were so many great things about this fic. They're just adorable together, really. Their little feetsies... aw. And Jubes all in nothing but her underthings. What a little minx. She so knew what she was doing. And Sean! Oh Sean! ::giggles::
For his health, please do wear something over your undergarments.
Says the woman who wears her underwear as outerwear. Priceless.
I like this. It's sweet, and everyone is perfectly in-character. The notion that Jubilee would be much less innocent sexually than one would suppose is a fantastic one, and you handle it well. So, in short: yay!
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