Dancing the night away~

Jul 27, 2009 12:04

So, um, hey gyakuten_saiban, nice to meet you all 8D;

At the request of the OPnon on the Kink Meme I decided to sort of out myself and post this artwork up here.

The original request was as follows:

Dancin' all our problems away

Show me art of the ace attorney cast dancing- this anon just wants to see something cute to make her day.

Any pairing that is even *remotely* plausible is welcome, although Larry x Maya, Phoenix x Franziska, Mia x Diego, or Ron x Dessie would be total love.

And uh, since I'm indecisive as all hell, I decided to draw... all of the pairings they suggested. >_>;

First up, Mia and Diego, doing the Tango~

If you're curious, the song lyrics in the corner are from "Save the Last Dance for Me" By Michel Buble.

Next up~

Trying to figure out a good pose for these two was hard, but I think I found one that worked. Unfortunately, I couldn't really think of any song that fit them... other then Schadenfreude. But that's mostly crack...

First time drawing these two, so I'm proud of how it came out.  Ron's hair is really, really hard to do. ;A;

Once again, no lyrics on the page, but somehow "Accidentally In Love" comes to my mind, even if it doesn't exactly fit how they're dancing. XD

Last, but certainly not least~

This one was fun to draw.  And yes, the lyrics for them are from "Mambo Leo"... and if you don't know why that fits, ...why haven't you looked up Zarla's video yet. Seriously, go do it now.

But yeah, I hope you all like these pictures! Thanks for your time.

Peace out~

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