It is a wonderful day for...cosplay

Mar 22, 2007 00:51

(x-posted to alycorn and gyakuten_saiban)

I happily display cosplay photos. In fact, it's almost a story! Let's see...we can call it the bland and boring title of "Edgeworth's Morning"

...yes, that's right. Those of you who are familiar with the Dorimaga "Naruhodo Gyakuten Saiban!" fanbook will know EXACTLY WHAT IS COMING.

(P.S. be nice to my wig, as it is not yet styled, and in fact I UN-styled it from what little bit I had done in an attempt at bedhead)

"Ugh, what time is it?"
...apparently, 4:05. Someone gets up early? >.>

It's so not time to get up yet...

Puppy makes everything better, though. (I know she's not the fanonically correct breed, but I make do with what I have available, and my puppy is pretty damn adorable so there.)

"Gimme some goddamn tea!"

He is in no way, shape or form, reading the comics. He just pulls the section for the sudoku. Yep. That's right. Of course... >.>

Stock reports, now that's more like it.

Hi um my prop newspaper is from the wrong city PLEASE IGNORE THAT GRAVE ERROR.

NOW FOR SOME TEASER PICS for the still in-progress costume which shall debut at Anime Central 2007 along with the rest of, or at least a decent chunk of, the Phoenix Wright gang - be there or be square, yo.

Enough dilly-dallying, time to get to work.

(I just thought the wig looked good in this pic)

Mad stylin'! Especially since he got the trunk re-upholstered so it doesn't smell like old blood anymore.

I hope you enjoyed <3 Thanks to dante_a1ighieri for being my photographer!

ETA: I rescind the thanks, you thread-jacking lunatic ^^;;

ETA2: I suppose I could introduce my partners in crime, as they have kind of invaded the comments :P We will show pictures of the whole group when the costumes are finished...and hopefully not go quite so crazy in the comments next time 'round (but hey, you can always skip 'em ^_^)
dante_a1ighieri = Phoenix Wright
alycorn = Miles Edgeworth
strollergrandma = Franziska von Karma (FLAN)
virtuouswolf = Larry Butz
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