I know! A TV post! About TV that's actually on right now! I hope I haven't forgotten how. I did forget how annoying commercials are. A summer of marathoning spoiled me.
So, the opening scene was very effective, I thought. I still love the pool scene more, but it was a neat trick to show everything without words or sounds. I do wish that the promos hadn't spoiled the fact that Cameron was going to turn. The whole exchange with John "seeing" everything - it feels like there was more going on in that missing scene, which I hope will be clarified later.
Poll So Charlie and Derek had very little to do this episode, but I loved their scene together. Derek was being incredibly obnoxious with the needling and Charlie was all, "I saved your life. Shut up."
Poll Likewise, Ellison's brief appearance, and his exchange with Cromartie was awesome.
The best part of the episode was John's angst over everything. I liked his dynamic with Sarah and her classic mothering. Also, the tag-team parenting at the end of the day with Derek was a nice touch.
Poll I'm not entirely sure what to think of Shirley Manson's character. Her delivery wasn't great and she seemed to be veering in a Cylon/God direction which makes me leery. However, her being a T1000 was AWESOME.
Bye, bye emobangs. You won't be missed.