Live through this, and you won't look back

Nov 02, 2008 10:26

Kinda died a little on Friday, singing the school song for the last time.

I remember having a conversation with Yu Hui last year, about people walking in and out of our lives. She said she hated it when people she barely got to knew suddenly left, that it hurts more because you haven't even gotten a chance to know that person. I guess I agreed with her, because then I thought that if you had to leave somebody you really know behind it's easier to let go since you can take with you all the happy memories. But now I know there are people you just really don't want to leave behind.

We've had Mr Chew since like what, Sec 1 or 2, and I've just gotten so used to him being there for us, always. Like MPP in Sec 3 when we started calling him frantically because we weren't getting anything done and he came down to KAP to save us. Or our history trip to France when he and Mizar stayed up all night patrolling the corridors. And speaking of the history trip, there's Mrs Haugen who was like a friend on the trip, speed shopping with us and everything. I've had her for two years and I cannot imagine not being able to hear her creative warnings to make sure we don't fall asleep in SS. Miss Picca, who although only taught us in Sec 4, has been nothing short of amazing. Then there's Mr Ng whom we all have a love/ hate relationship with but he's done so much for us that I can only be grateful. Of course there are still so many others..

I know that I'll still get to see most of the 406 souldiers in JC but it won't be the same. Wow we've really been through so much together as a class. I'll never forget winning Netball Carnival & RHD with the bollywood babes, kungfu kiats & silat mats (mads?), being 'under surveillance' and the fodder for staffroom gossip. Slice!!, Macs delivery & our food obsession. 'Two years is not enough'.

To the person I'm going to miss the most: Duck/ Kwa Hui Qi!! I can't believe you're ditching us for hwach/ turning all communist on us. There's so much crazy stuff we did together since Sec 1 but they're either ridiculous or downright embarrassing. From sevenofus to press23½ you know I love you, always.


So after Farewell Assembly, class party was just major pig out/ camwhoring session (this is us staying true to ourselves). During clean up a garden shrew ran out from under a pile of cardboard!! It was hilarious we started running and screaming then Mrs Haugen and Miss Tan came in and started laughing at us. Stayed back until about 4, talking to classmates. Then I went home to shower and met Vic, Pauline & Lisa at J8 for Swensens. Lynn and Sandy joined us later and we trooped down to RI for Rafflesian Idol (Jeanhui's fault!!). Long, and rather boring, not to mention I totally embarrassed myself by falling down the steps, why do I always do stuff like this?! Xuanwei insisted on holding me for the rest of the night in case I tripped again, yeah I'm that pathetic.

Okay can't wait for higher chinese Os to be over, there is Lisa's one-week-late halloween party, and my other 1 will finally turn 16!!
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