And now for my rant!

Aug 17, 2006 15:41

My Bleach rant. *pets it* It's pretty and deserves love, dammit! GIVE IT LOVE! *is shot*

I love Bleach, okay? It has become my new obsession and it's absolutely wonderful with its cracktastic-ness and multiple possibilties.

I'm beginning to ponder the thought of sticking to the anime, though. Now, to most of the Bleach fans, that's actually an 'OMG!!OFFENSU!HOWDAREYOUI'MGOINGTOKILLYOU' type of thing. But you know, I started in the fandom off the anime. And while I'm not happy with some of the things they're doing (like what they've done to Ishi's character), I actually rather like the Bountou story line. It's a bit cliched (okay, not a bit; leave off) but it introduced a whole new dimension to a few of the characters that we have little to no background information on (namely Renji, Rangiku, Hanataro, Ganju, etc). Not only that but it gives us more of a chance to learn about the characters.

Becuase the manga is beginning to get repetitive. As much as I love Kubo-dono, it's beginning to get annoying re-reading the same thing every single chapter. Okay, yeah, FINE. He went bankai last chapter and he's now kicking what's-his-face's ass! Got it. Great. ...Can we move on now, PLEASE?! I also have this horrible, nasty feeling that the manga's gonna turn shoujo-with-action. And maybe that's my biggest nit-pick about the manga because as much as I love Orihime, it's getting pretty ridiculous over the whole IchiHime thing.

She's known Tatsuke longer, has been best friends with her for forever. And yet, instead of going to see her best friend who has always been there for her, she went and saw the guy who wouldn't give her a second glance before things really started happening. And yeah, I know Ichigo's a dork and we all love him, but seriously!!

It's really, really confusing as to why Orihime was taken by the Arrencar. Okay, her abilities are odd, especially comparing them to the only known 'supers' in the Bleach universe- prior to the Vaizord or Arrencar, and prior to Orihime and Chad getting their abilities awoken- were the Shinigami, the Quincy (of which we only know of two still remaining), and Hollows. That's it, it's a done deal, it's cut and dry (unlike the DC or Marvel universe-- sheeeesh). But then, if they're curious about odd powers, why not take Chad, too? And/or Karin, and/or Ururu, and/or Jinta? They all have unusual abilities, especially Chad. Maybe it was a convenience thing.

And canon pairings are still a bit of a mystery. All the pairings we know of (that are absolutely stated in the manga and anime) are long and dead- Bya/Hisana (Hisana died from some sickness, probably something similar to what Ukitake has), Isshin/Masaki (killed saving their son from a Hollow), Ryuuken/Ishida's mom (there's no actual evidence she's dead, but she hasn't been mentioned all that much except in passing; but, if she's alive, why would Ishida be living alone?), Kaien/what's-her-face (both killed by the same hollow), Tousen/Previous 11th Division Captain (killed by Ken-chan in honorable battle over 11th's captaincy) and probably some others I can't remember/don't know about.

Preferably, though, it'll eventually even out to IchiRuki, ChadOri, and Ishi with someone who can properly contain the damn Quincy pride that gets him into so much trouble. Or, maybe, RenjiRuki, ChadOri, Ishi somebody, Ichi somebody (Tatsuki? o.o). Gah-- the possibilities are endless for canon pairings. I just hope they don't do IchiOri as a premanant fixuter *sigh*

I can't honestly I say I hate IchiHime. I just really don't like it. Sort of like a few other things I can think of but can't name at the moment.

So, in closing, I will continue to dream and hope that maybe someone will get smart and we'll see OriRuki or OriTatsuki, IchiIshi and ByaRen canonically. Not bloody likely, but you just never know ^.^

...And thus ends my rant.


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