Tutorial # 2 feat. Sophia Bush.

Jun 13, 2007 22:09

I was bored tonight so I decided to make a tutorial.




Before starting:

- Made in Photoshop CS2. /  Includes Selective Color. Not translatable into PSP, sorry;
- Requires basic knowlegdes on Photoshop
- Used picture has not the same brightness, contrast, etc than yours, so the result will not five the expected effect for some;
- Please, COMMENT.

1) Crop your base 100x100.
     Sharpen, adjust, etc. Do what you need to do.

2) Duplicate your base;
    Set it to Screen - between 50-100%

3) New layer;
     Fill in with #c0c0c0 / Color burn - 20%

4) New Hue/Saturation layer
     Saturation: +20

5) New Selective Color layer

REDS: -45; +5; +15; 0
YELLOWS: -40; 0; -15; 0
NEUTRALS: -15; +3; -8

6) New Selective Color layer

REDS: -11; 0; -11; 0
YELLOWS: -20; 10; +35; 0
NEUTRALS: -46; 0; 0; 0
BLACKS: +35; +25; -30

7) New Color Balance layer

MIDTONES: -21; +24; +7
SHADOWS: +10; +3; +19
HIGHLIGHTS: -4; -2; -6

DONE !!! 
You guys enjoy and remember, this is just a help. 
Add whatever you want!
Mess around with the settings. :]

Oh, and feel free to show me what you got.

Other resuls:


sophia bush, !tutorial

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