Sollux Application
Prefered name or LJ name: Esca
Age: 23
Timezone: Central
Previous RPG experience (Not Necessary):
AIM: dazzleSTARpunk
escachick Character Name: Sollux Captor
Anime/Television Show: Homestuck/MS Paint Adventures
Character Age: 20 (almost 21)
Job and Section Applied For (If Any): Waiter (Easy Listening)
Character’s Gender: Male
Character’s Sexuality: Pansexual
Alex Evans Character’s Personality: Sollux is a constant contradiction of what everyone expects him to be upon making those vital first impressions. One person can form one generalization of him, another individual can form something completely different... and therein lies the paradox. Who is he, really?
Sollux would like to think he’s a flippin’ genius from Olympia, Washington, afflicted with head-wonk and sick hacking skills that even Steve motherfuckin’ Jobs couldn’t trump when he was... you know, still living and shit. And he’s the sexiest nerd ever. With a lisp. FUCK.
His emotional state can change at the drop of a hat. Sollux learned coping skills to gain some control over his mood swings in his teenage years. Some days they’re effective, others not so much. He is a continual work in progress.
Despite having moments of madness (as they’re so aptly named), Sollux does have his positives, and they appear to outweigh the negative aspects that make him up as a whole. He’s good to those he considers friends, and he’s loyal... almost like an adorable puppy... with a lisp. FUCK. And in his own, dorky way, he can be kind of romantic... if you consider being outright approached and asked if you want to go have sloppy makeouts as romantic.
He is the quintessential nerd. With mood swings. And random outbursts of the word "FUCK".
Obsessed with 3D Glasses
Obsessed with 3D Movies
Likes to steal the 3D Glasses they hand out in 3D Movies to wear as fashion accessories
Enjoys playing World of Warcraft
Soda is his plutonium.
Onions are his kryptonite.
Likes to play The Sims just to purposely commit homicide--preferably by Fire. Drowning is his second favorite method.
Loves prime-time TV shows and sitcoms.
Likes bees.
Hates honey after being forced to eat it at almost every single meal of his life.
Has a unique typing quirk--he replaces the letter ‘s’ with a ‘2’, doubles his ‘i’’s, uses barely any proper punctuation, no capitalization, and will sometimes throw in an all-caps FUCK at the end of a sentence...
Has a lisp... Yes. He. Has. A. Lisp. And he has to wear a retainer to help correct it.
Is he going to get raped because he’s a nerd with a lisp?
Has a tramp stamp on his lower back of the astrological sign of Gemini.
Character’s History: Not all 20-year-olds log into the database of the family business with the sole intention of simply ruining all the information stored inside, nor do they then proceed to purposely change shipping addresses of the family’s product, and the amount ordered by clients into multiples of six in a sort of hex code fashion... But then again, Sollux is not an ordinary 20-year-old.
And if you were fucked over by life like he was, you would do it, too.
When he came into the world, Sollux wasn’t intended to be named as such. His mother was pregnant with twins, and he would be dubbed Pollux, while his fraternal twin sister would be named Castor, after the two brightest stars in the Gemini constellation. It was no coincidence that these names had been chosen--their due date was on June 18th, and their parents had a shared love for Greek mythology and astronomy.
Unfortunately, on June 2nd, their mother’s blood pressure oddly skyrocketed, and for the safety of the babies, it was decided that an emergency c-section was best. Sollux came out first, healthy and crying. His sister was stillborn. Devastated at the loss of one child, but grateful for the survival of the other, it only seemed appropriate that they combine both chosen names together. Their deceased daughter would live on through their son. And yet, interestingly enough, it became some sort of unspoken law between Sollux’s parents that they were to never, ever speak of his twin. But even when he was so young as a toddler, Sollux knew some part of him was missing. He just wasn’t exactly sure what it was.
During his youth, it was easy to tell that Sollux wasn’t exactly “normal”. He didn’t socialize with any of the children at grammar school, and preferred to isolate himself and engage in solitary play. Whenever he was up to talking, it was usually a few sentences, aimed at the bees in the hives his beekeeper parents tended to for a living. Perhaps he preferred them because they could not address him back, so he could speak freely. Either way, his teachers became concerned when Sollux begain displaying signs of unstable behaviors as he progressed through his grade levels and it was recommended by the school counselor that he undergo psychological testing.
Sollux’s parents bought him a stuffed animal to take along--a white monster plush with two heads, the cyclopean eye on one monster red, the other blue. He was obedient throughout all the poking and prodding and tests and puzzles as long as he held onto his new doll. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 10, and the psychologist he tested with made particular notes about Sollux’s interest in duality, and that it almost bordered on obsession. He recommended a cocktail of anti-psychotics and anti-depressants, but his mother and father believed in natural, holistic medicine, and did not want to run the risk of altering Sollux’s brain chemistry into something potentially worse. They wanted him to learn to recognize when he was feeling episodes of mania coming on and control them. They began him on a vitamin and herbal tablet regimen and enlisted him to see the best therapist in the Olympia area that would help teach him coping skills he could take with him for the rest of his life, and hopefully in the process she could encourage him to start a process of social interaction with other people and children his age.
They worked together for a long time, with Sollux doing little more than replying to her with single word answers or short sentences. But gradually, he would speak more and more. Eventually he was having full-on conversations with his therapist by the age of 13. He was socializing. Pleased with his progress, and wanting to see if he was ready to communicate with other people besides her, a safety net of sorts, she then gave him the assignment to try a social networking computer game and interact with other users. A couple of hours later, Sollux had installed World of Warcraft on his laptop and was busily leveling up his character. Occasionally he would chat with others, but mainly he was interested in the adventuring aspects of WoW.
A couple of months later, he joined a guild on a whim and was contacted by Karkat after assisting with a few raids--the capslock-happy player seemed impressed by his methods of strategy. Either that, or he was “trolling” him.
Whatever Karkat’s intentions were, Sollux considers him his first actual friend, even if the majority of their relationship has been hidden behind the safety of computer monitors. He wasn’t judgemental, even when Sollux turned into the quintessential stereotypical high school nerd in his later teen years (he was forced to get glasses that weren’t very becoming, and he developed an innate talent for computer hacking... into anything and everything). But most importantly, he seemed for the most part to be able to understand and handle Sollux’s “roller-coaster emotions”.
In all his euphoria at finally having a friend, Sollux hadn’t ever really spent much time with his family, and his parents wanted to change that. They allowed him to pick the destination for their next family vacation, and on the next three-day weekend, the Captors traveled from their home in Washington to Mt. Shasta down in California for a skiing and snowboarding trip. His dad died in a freak snowboarding accident that severed his spine on their very first day there. That night, a 16-year-old Sollux had one of his worst meltdowns ever, and no coping skill in the world could help him. He trolled a whole bunch of people on WoW and was intentionally cruel to them just because he felt like it. He hacked his high school’s website and replaced images and videos with gay pornography, and he didn’t get caught.
After the funeral, he holed himself up in his room for weeks, refusing to go to school or get online to talk to anyone. All he wanted to do was stay in bed and cling to his white monster doll and feel like a child again--a time where things felt much easier and the consequences of his actions weren’t so intense. Of course he blamed himself. Who else was there to pin this on? If he’d only suggested someplace safer, like the beach... Or a kiddie swimming pool...
The guilt only became much worse when he could hear his mother crying at night and during the day. He went back to school just so he wouldn’t have to hear her. And as expected, he began shutting down again.
When he finally felt well enough to get back on WoW again, he was about ready to graduate. He popped back on to tons of messages in his inbox, and it only made him wonder how many more he had missed due to the thirty-day retention period. Either way, it was still nice to know that Karkat and his other friends he'd made playing the game hadn't just up and figured him for dead. It stirred something. Slowly but surely, he began playing World of Warcraft again and communicating once more.
His strained relationship with his mother only got worse after he received his diploma at 18. Sollux was proud of his hacking talents. He wanted to work with computers for a living, not carry on with the family’s bee farm and honey distribution. His mother pitched a fit, but angrily came to a compromise--if Sollux wanted to fiddle around on a computer all day, he’d get what he wanted--but he would be working for the good of his future and the family’s. He was plunked down in front of her clunker of a desktop and ordered to process incoming orders for honey from wholesalers and farmers markets, make sure the shipping addresses were correct, maintain client spreadsheets, every computer-related thing his mother could think of relating to their bee farm that she could shove off on him.
He did it obediently for two years. And then it started to become a complete annoyance. When his mother asked him to start separating old letters and newspaper clippings she had scattered around the office into files by alphabetical order, he was still irritated, but happy for the change of pace. Plus, it would give him an excuse to snoop through her personal belongings. Sollux had the tendency to be nosy from time to time.
Some of the letters were interesting. More than a good fair few were from his father, love letters, so to speak. Then there were some from his grandmother, his mom’s mother. Then he happened upon a pile from old school chums. He rather enjoyed those for the most part, a lot were gossipy and catty... But then he happened upon one that made his blood run cold.
His mother’s friend had started the letter out in quite a generic fashion. Asking how she was doing after her hospital stay, how his father was doing, that the photo she sent of Sollux was beautiful... And then she went into vivid detail expressing her condolences that only one of her twins made it, and that she would pray for her lost daughter. Of course the typical ‘God has a plan for everyone, stay strong!’ nonsense followed after.
Only one of her twins?
It explained so many things. The constant void he felt. The feeling of not being completely whole, like a half of him had been torn away. Calmly putting the letter back in the envelope, he filed it away, got back on the desktop, and annihilated all of the information he’d programmed. He could think of only one person to talk to about this. It would be all too easy to track him down via his IP address.
Sollux didn’t even tell his mother he was running away. He simply hacked into her bank account, transferred funds over to his, packed as much as he could fit into two suitcases, and went to the nearest bus stop that would take him into town. After a quick trip to a Wells Fargo to withdraw everything and then subsequently close his account, he began the trek after tracking KK’s whereabouts on his laptop using the free Wi-Fi in a Mickey D’s... interestingly enough, he was in San Francisco now, and not Sacramento.
California... Sollux could get used to that. But before he hitchhiked across the Washington state border, Sollux was going to do something to acknowledge his missing half, his sister. The part of him that he had been unfairly denied knowledge of for 20, soon to be almost 21 years.
Hopefully the whole needle going into skin thing wouldn’t hurt as much as people claimed.
RP Samples
Journal Sample:
made iit two oregon la2t niight at around 3:30 am ralph the truck driiver wa2 niice enough two take me further than the 2tate liine a2 we oriigiinally agreed upon. ii gave hiim extra ga2 money for takiing me two portland. iit’2 niice here maybe ii’ll 2tay for a couple day2 maybe not.
hopefully ii’ll fiind 2omeone awe2ome like ralph two giive me a riide agaiin ii don’t liike feeliing liike a mooch, but hiitchhiiking ii2 pretty much my only optiion.
oh riight my tattoo look2 awe2ome 2tiill ju2t out of curiiou2iity who came up wiith the term ‘tramp 2tamp’?
anyway2 ii’m going two 2ee iif ii can fiind a hexenbiie2t lol lol lol or a miickey d’2 ii’m hungry FUCK.
Log Sample in the Third Person:
Sollux winced slightly as he shifted his spine just ever so slightly while opening the door to a local Portland, Oregon McDonald’s, his stomach protesting in hunger. Even the slightest of movements it seemed irritated the scab over his new tattoo on his lower back, freshly re-bandaged and slathered with Aquaphor a couple of hours ago in a sleazy and highly unsanitary rest stop bathroom.
He must have scrubbed his hands raw with hand sanitizer when he got back in Ralph’s big rig. Carefully.
The aging trucker was kind. Didn’t ask too many questions. Just the simple, “What’s your name, and where can I drop you off, kiddo?”
Direct and to the point. Sollux liked him immediately. Ralph had tried to refuse the gas money, but he’d insisted. Besides, he had plenty of it now that he’d sucked a few thousand out of his mother’s bank account to play around with and do whatever until he showed up unannounced on Karkat’s doorstep. It’s not like KK would turn him away, right? Right.
Chewing on his lip rings while he got in line and waited his turn, Sollux perused the menu from behind his sunglasses, having actually remembered to grab his contact lenses before high-tailing it out of the house. After a while they would probably begin to irritate his eyes, so he’d have to switch back to his nerdy spectacles... FUCK.
When it was finally his turn to order, he politely asked for a Big Mac meal with no onions, and paid with a twenty note, frowning at the coins he received back along with a ten and some ones. He did not like change at all. It was sometimes sticky and so many hands had touched it. He shuddered and pocketed it anyways. He’d get rid of it once he’d accumulated enough by making a visit to the nearest Coinstar in a Wal-Mart or some other grocery store.
Taking his cup for his drink, he filled it up with Powerade, lugging his two suitcases behind him and ignoring any funny stares he got. Had these people ever not seen a damned suitcase before? Yes, marvel at this modern technological triumph, all ye simpletons--hark, we unzip this here zipper, and inside we put our belongings! How ingenious!
Sollux sat down in a booth and put his suitcases in the adjacent seat, sipping at his blue Powerade and wondering briefly if it would turn his tongue blue. That would be cool.
Yeah... blue tongues were totally awesome...
Getting his tray of food once the number on his receipt was called, he sat back down, opened the box to his trashy fast food burger, and took a bite.
This running away from home gig was pretty sweet already. Why hadn’t he done it sooner?