funny story.....
then there was nate...who liked a girl finnaly told her and she was all..."no shit" and they decided to start dating....
2 days later she decided it was a little too awkward for her and decided to cut it off. but nate didnt care.
she wsa too unrelyable and couldnt follow threw with plans.
so when friday (yesterday came along) nate knew she wouldnt be joining him to go to disneyland for the reason he knew she wouldnt get up at the time he told her to. so he took his friend jamie. then nate called her and told her that she is the one that fuck up, but could tell in her voice she didnt care at all. then when today came along he also knew she wouldnt be joining him to go to his friend;s b-day party. she then called to confirm what he already knew. so he is taking his othger firned kyle because why the fuck shouldnt he. so nate doesnt care at all about her because there is no reason to anymore.
last wends. was his friends last day here so nate spent the entire day with him.and had masive fun. nate also felt that there was a girl there comming on to him...and now nate wants to see if he could exploit that, only problem is he doesnt have her number. her name is diana...and she is pretty.
on thurs nate, lorah, cassie, sean, casandra, sabrina, and some other people went and saw the narcoleptic youth and got free rockstar. the show kicked ass even though it was short. nate had fun that day. nate's weekend has been filled to compasity. nate enjoys that