(no subject)

Dec 14, 2005 19:44

One of the best damn conversations I've ever had the pleasure of participating in.  Don't I have exams to study for?  Oh that's right, I do. Man do I want a po-boy.

I don't really expect many to appreciate this.  In fact Logan, John, and Adam are probably the only people that will really enjoy reading this.

VinceG85 (9:37:16 AM): yeah...weird...but now im just going to be my true self. muhammed ali
VinceG85 (9:37:28 AM): a black boxer who talks all the time
nosemuff12 (9:37:29 AM): that's a good plan, champ
VinceG85 (9:37:54 AM): yeah get used to champ cause by end of break i will be
VinceG85 (9:38:15 AM): champ gordon #24
nosemuff12 (9:38:33 AM): hahaha
VinceG85 (9:39:16 AM): nice i didnt think you would catch that one
nosemuff12 (9:39:31 AM): come on
nosemuff12 (9:39:44 AM): give me some credit, i know some NASCAR when i sees it
VinceG85 (9:39:47 AM): are you at the dorm?
nosemuff12 (9:39:52 AM): nah
nosemuff12 (9:39:54 AM): at my house
VinceG85 (9:40:00 AM): well i was actually implying the mullet
nosemuff12 (9:40:07 AM): oh
nosemuff12 (9:40:08 AM): haha
VinceG85 (9:40:12 AM): and being the best nascar driver around
nosemuff12 (9:40:29 AM): haha
nosemuff12 (9:40:32 AM): except he's not
VinceG85 (9:40:38 AM): and dominos pizza b/c they do have any black people there....
nosemuff12 (9:40:42 AM): number 8 all the way baby
nosemuff12 (9:40:51 AM): that's dale, jr. for all you naysayers
VinceG85 (9:41:01 AM): dale ant got shit on gordon
VinceG85 (9:41:10 AM): how many titles dale jr got?
nosemuff12 (9:41:11 AM): oh fuck you
VinceG85 (9:41:14 AM): how many gordon got...3
nosemuff12 (9:41:16 AM): you know not what you speak of
VinceG85 (9:41:26 AM): psshhhh
nosemuff12 (9:42:27 AM): let's agree to disagree here
VinceG85 (9:42:35 AM): i once drank both dale jr and jeff gordon piss when i was really drunk at talledenga. i must have fell asleep through most of the race, but i surely caught them both after the race. to make a long story short...jeff piss was more acidic, yellow, and tougher to swallow.
nosemuff12 (9:42:40 AM): i don't want to murder anyone from anger from this blasphemy
nosemuff12 (9:43:05 AM): cause he'a bitch
VinceG85 (9:43:06 AM): im pleased with that last comment i made
nosemuff12 (9:43:17 AM): jr. knows how the people like it
nosemuff12 (9:43:31 AM): well it's definitely a profile quote
VinceG85 (9:43:48 AM): if he did why was his piss so weak, i thought i was drinking sprite remix, the grape SHIT
VinceG85 (9:44:41 AM): plus how much charity does junior do?
VinceG85 (9:44:51 AM): i see him on levi commericials more then doing charity
VinceG85 (9:44:55 AM): the man is out to make money
VinceG85 (9:45:28 AM): i never see junior out giving mud hugs, i never see junior out serving out mifia hits, i never see junior fighting cancer....!
VinceG85 (9:46:00 AM): man you might want to save this conversation. im feeling today
nosemuff12 (9:46:11 AM): hahaha
nosemuff12 (9:46:13 AM): i think i will
VinceG85 (9:46:42 AM): either that or put it on lj. but lets continue this, im not done fueling my nut
VinceG85 (9:47:06 AM): ok so tell me something positive dale junior has done for america that jeff gordon has?
nosemuff12 (9:47:06 AM): haha
VinceG85 (9:47:19 AM): hasnt*
nosemuff12 (9:47:20 AM): he hasn't been a sell out punk ass bitch that cries
nosemuff12 (9:47:30 AM): he saves endangered species
VinceG85 (9:47:36 AM): BULLSHIT
nosemuff12 (9:47:36 AM): he teaches kids to read
VinceG85 (9:47:40 AM): that was jeff asshole
nosemuff12 (9:47:40 AM): he puts out fires
nosemuff12 (9:47:48 AM): i don't think so
nosemuff12 (9:47:57 AM): if i may?
nosemuff12 (9:48:04 AM): he cures cancer
VinceG85 (9:48:16 AM): so jeff gordon gets up after getting out of bed and wipes out entire major city crime
VinceG85 (9:48:29 AM): just with the move of his "hips"
nosemuff12 (9:48:35 AM): he delivers pizza/chinese food/flowers/etc. FAST AS FUCK
VinceG85 (9:48:45 AM): flowers? what a punk ass
nosemuff12 (9:48:56 AM): to dying kids that jeff gordon made sick
VinceG85 (9:49:09 AM): i bet he goes in those levi jeans he soiled the day before when he lost to JEFF GORDON AKA MEME MOMO
VinceG85 (9:49:29 AM): dying kids that jeff gordon cures when he sneezes
nosemuff12 (9:49:31 AM): when jeff gordon exerts his terrible evil nobody could do anything but comfort them so jr. does
VinceG85 (9:49:58 AM): junior crys at jeff's beauty
nosemuff12 (9:49:58 AM): maybe dale sr. could save them but he's done passed, God bless his soul
VinceG85 (9:50:16 AM): fuck yes. God bless the saviors soul
VinceG85 (9:50:30 AM): i cant thank him enough for being there for me during my times of struggle
VinceG85 (9:50:44 AM): lets give a moment of silence of Dale senior
nosemuff12 (9:50:44 AM): no, he gets jeff's foundation/other womanly makeup blown in his eyes when he shoots past him on the track so his eyes water
VinceG85 (9:51:02 AM): man FUCK....oh sorry moment of silence
nosemuff12 (9:51:02 AM): (moment passes)
VinceG85 (9:51:14 AM): ok
nosemuff12 (9:51:19 AM): hahaha
nosemuff12 (9:51:26 AM): man, this conversation is awesome
VinceG85 (9:51:30 AM): but does he ever do anything with the tears afterwards?
nosemuff12 (9:51:55 AM): yeah, he uses them to irrigate barren waste lands in Africa so the people can farm
VinceG85 (9:51:59 AM): i mean shit jeff gordon fucking soaks the amazon to keep it beautiful and 'ever living'
VinceG85 (9:52:07 AM): thats right 'ever fucking living'
nosemuff12 (9:52:21 AM): yeah with the tears he cries after losing to jr. EVERY sunday
VinceG85 (9:53:07 AM): dude even jeff gordon cried so much an did so much with it that a band got together to honor his tears for america. the named the band "tears for fears"
VinceG85 (9:53:18 AM): and*
nosemuff12 (9:53:40 AM): well everybody knows they started al queda
nosemuff12 (9:53:47 AM): and they're terrorists
VinceG85 (9:53:47 AM): BULLSHIT
VinceG85 (9:53:51 AM): that is a lie
nosemuff12 (9:53:53 AM): bullshit nothin'
VinceG85 (9:54:17 AM): ok maybe they did start al queda...
nosemuff12 (9:54:25 AM): so jeff gordon is an america hatin' terrorist vis a vis al queda vis a vis tears for fears
VinceG85 (9:54:39 AM): but we also started the cia to fight it. you see gordon is a "split personality"
VinceG85 (9:55:00 AM): he cant control himself sometimes...like dr. jeckle (sp) and mr hyde
nosemuff12 (9:55:07 AM): well that's why jr. is better b/c he's straight up all the time good
nosemuff12 (9:55:19 AM): he's always in control
VinceG85 (9:55:27 AM): no it doesnt make him better. gordon is two people...maybe even more
nosemuff12 (9:55:30 AM): especially when he's behind the wheel out on the track
nosemuff12 (9:55:42 AM): even more of a reason to call him a bitch
VinceG85 (9:55:42 AM): gordon is champ...an american champ
nosemuff12 (9:55:52 AM): more like an american CHUMP
nosemuff12 (9:56:20 AM): he needs many of him to come up w/ a measily amount of bullshit accomplisments
VinceG85 (9:56:22 AM): all i got to say again is how many championships dale junior got? 3 for the american champ of terror
nosemuff12 (9:56:29 AM): whereas jr. does it all himself
nosemuff12 (9:56:44 AM): with strength from the Lord of course
nosemuff12 (9:57:06 AM): gordon is a satanist too
nosemuff12 (9:57:16 AM): that's the only reason why he has those 'ships'
VinceG85 (9:57:26 AM): man gordon couldve been spiderman, batman, robin, green lattern, superman. instead he decided to be a nascar driver. look what he did for the mullets and married kin. he gave them a dream..
nosemuff12 (9:57:28 AM): he sold his sould to the dark prince
VinceG85 (9:57:45 AM): no gordon is a dark lord
nosemuff12 (9:57:48 AM): he didn't do whit for them
nosemuff12 (9:57:54 AM): *shit
nosemuff12 (9:58:05 AM): he's some pretty boy yankee God hater
VinceG85 (9:58:20 AM): well atleast he says 'bad news bears'
nosemuff12 (9:58:38 AM): yeah he's a copyright "infringer"
VinceG85 (9:58:41 AM): i mean theres a comment given down by God himself (dale senior of course)
nosemuff12 (9:58:54 AM): whoa, let's not blaspheme any more here
nosemuff12 (9:59:04 AM): :::points finger::: who is this guy?
VinceG85 (9:59:22 AM): holy shit......hguuhuhhuhuhuuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhhu
VinceG85 (9:59:33 AM): fuck that line of coke hit hard up my nose
VinceG85 (9:59:39 AM): SHIT
nosemuff12 (9:59:40 AM): hahaha
nosemuff12 (9:59:53 AM): shit
nosemuff12 (9:59:59 AM): dude i've gotta get back to studying
VinceG85 (10:00:02 AM): thank you pat boles :::waves the shocker in a prayer jesture::::
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