Hmm, the name for that type of pattern is going to bug me now. I swear it has something to do with Fresnel or Fraunhofer diffraction, but past that I can't remember.
I searched it but apparently my keywords suck because I can't find the mention of it. Water. Pattern. Refraction. Light. Reflection. Ray Tracing. Gah. First one to figure it out gets a cookie?
I've read this about a dozen times now and my head swirls every time I start to write the comment. I did read it all though and loved every part of the craziness. I think I lost sight momentarily on Christmas day from the amount of pictures taken but I can't wait for them to be developed. You are a little bit obsessive when it comes to your worrying about Aaralyn but I'm somewhere in the middle and I think that sort of balances it out when need be. Wii was the best thing I got you I think because now I'm a little bit in love with it too. I can't believe you wrote a paragraph about cheese and now I need to try it because I'm curious. I didn't know the x key actually deleted anything. Of course it makes sense that it would but is that only in certain programs that it does that? I love the way sandalwood and strawberries smells together now. Okay, I love you and I'm done. :[
It deletes if you're holding down the CTRL key. Because I Copy/Paste things a lot but if you CTRL-X it deletes and sometimes I miss the C button. So it's very frustrating. I'm trying not to be too obsessive about her, I promise. It's just that I can't really help it most of the time. Which is why I keep on reassuring myself and trying to convince myself that it's rather ridiculous to worry about the things I worry about. Because at least if I'm going to keep worrying about them I'm going to acknowledge that they're irrational and insane. WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! That is all.
I bought Sandalwood incense yesterday so I could smell it while you were gone. :[
Oooh. Duh. See, I never use the CTRL and C button to copy/paste. I always highlight and right click and then select. It's probably more steps but hey, that solves the problem of accidently deleting and losing it all without being able to retrieve it, right? ;) I think if I were in your shoes I might be more obsessive than I am now. I have the ability to be a bit more flexible from the position I'm in and see it a bit more objectively. It works well that way though because I can get paranoid and irrational too sometimes. WIIIIII. I'm so loving that system, I had no idea it was as cool as it is.
Use it and pretend I'm gone only really gone to see Clay for an LJ plane trip because I'm not needed in LA for any other reason. :[
That's very true. See, I am just far too lazy for that. I am a keyboard quick-key-aholic. How could you underestimate the power of the Wii!? Obviously the Wii is wicked cool. It's NINTENDO. I saw a PS3 on the shelves today and was just like HAHAAH U SUK SONY! I'm a little bit partial to Nintendo, see :[
Comments 21
Fortune cookies can be fun sometimes.
2. Get online!
3. Jim looks nothing like Dominic, you are nuts.
I bought Sandalwood incense yesterday so I could smell it while you were gone. :[
Use it and pretend I'm gone only really gone to see Clay for an LJ plane trip because I'm not needed in LA for any other reason. :[
I am burning it now :)
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