ok now... i was talking to rob. about stuff. and needed something else to distract me from the fact that i was admitting some of my deepest fears. so i went to google and typed in a bunch of random words. some of these are from a while ago. some arent. i dunno for sure. but being bored at midnight thirty isnt usually a good thing
you guys remember the bananas in pajamas? sweetness!!!
i totally had both stuffed... fruits?
my uncle's a bastard. ...dont ask
i want a patch that looks like that. that's flippin' sweet. speaking of which... i need my black belt patch
mmmm mochi. yumm
mwahaha funny looking restraunt sign
*drool* i really want some mango mochi right about now
tommy? i guess. some guy on halloween
hahaha it's ezekiel
yeah i dont get it either. but it's still funny for reasons you might never know. go, ezekiel, go.
hell yeah. Christie
they make insence cones that supposedly smell like that purtty flower there. and they give me massive headaches
oh! oh! guess what the word was!! guess guess guess!
i think that is freaking sweet my friend. maybe without the guy in it though
that is true longing... hah. yeah
anyone else find him to be hot? or am i just weird like that?
wow. that's just freakin' cool. love and it satisfies my pyroness too... so cool
damn that's hot. i really want a soft tail that is white with purple flames though. that'd just be sweet
ok good enough.
yeah. hope you enjoyed the product of my boredom