dont expect these to have good captions. there are TOO many pictures for that
mandi and tara
brad josh scot larry (or is it brad scot josh larry..heh.heh. uh oh)
Dont you hate pics where you feel like you look fat? i know i do. and i know this is one of those pics. but it's ok because i'm getting kissed and that makes up for everything!
tara and josh
me and my sexy date mallory. (with no shoes on mind you.)
scot and maddie
"the girls"
the "caroline picture"
"the guys" yes, that's right. we decided i was a guy because i got invited to turnabout. and ya know girls ask the guys so since mal asked me i was the guy
amanda trying to be as cool as me... hehe love ya sweety
tara and katie
tara and me
amanda maddie amanda's cousin and tara. ok see this is why you should label pics right after you get them otherwise you dont remember people's names. so the two guys and mandi's cousin i'm sorry
nikki? i wanna say nikki. i could be totally wrong but that's what we'll go with. and manda
manda and bro
brad terrified cuz mal was screaming at him
spinning in circles to find out whose dress was the coolest.
katie and maddie doing that little arm linky drinky thinga ma bobber
manda larry and me cuz we're pimps like that
brad and larry... the TRUE couple
emma and jerine. omg i miss 'em so much! i love you guys!
i love you too moe. ... even though it's obvious someone else doesnt.
josh and brad
naomi jerine and me
dance! dance! dance!
dance somemore!
tara and harsha ... the twins
larry dancing and singing to some song that involved the word "I"
uh oh! denied!
haha. the funny part about those last two pics is that his gf (my best friend) took the pictures and the three of us are like best friends
drop it like it's hot?
put your hands in the air and wave 'em round like you just dont care?
ow! ow! ozuk sexy!
allyssa who i hadnt seen in forever
tia and ty
oooohhh sexy!
dancing til all hours of the night
fuck yes bitch look at our train. look at that shit!
larry and manda afterwards. arent they so cute?
mallory deciding she'd sleep on josh
breakfast the next morning
me sticking a hair tie up amanda's nose. which is nicer than how i woke her up for new years by taking pen and labeling her parts. arm, shoulder, boob, third niple, leg, knee etc and then it didnt all wash off
they tried to wake me up. that's where they got with it.
manda's dad and maddie's mom
me tara and maddie
tara's nose
mr randolph and manda and nikki?
yay! i'm done! i'm actually done! well, minus all the spring break pictures. but that's for another day