1. woke up 2. ate some food 3. went to class 4. came home 5. ate again 6. did some homework 7. went back for one more class 8. came home. 9. went to village inn 10. now im typing.
school went well today. after class, i called ride on in cruces, they had my frame, so at 2, left for cruces, got my frame, and was at work at 3
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well, hopefully saturday i will have my mtb frame. before i build it, im going to strip all the paint off and clear coat it. gonna be brushed aluminium. no longer will any of my bikes have the name of the maker on them, fuck free advertisement
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road riding log.... wed. 19.67 miles today. 33.05 miles.
SOAD is great riding music.
so they sent my mountain frame to somewhere here in elp, when is was soposed to be sent to cruces. no clue where it is..... im having MTB withdrawls...
- woke up - went to lunch w/parents - came home, hung out watched tv. - went riding, 10 miles short of my 30 mile goal, ah well. - came home, ate dinner, steak fajitas - sat around some more - went to jamochas with alexis and lauren - fixed laurens car (gonna rewire some more shit tomorrow) - now im typin all this stuff.
mountain biking was the only thing that was relaxing me, then i fucking broke my frame. fucking sucks. seriously.... whats gonna happen next, car gonna blow up?