Not that I have much to say. It has been a rather blah past couple of months. I blame the weather.
can we talk about how wonderful the writers have apparently decided to be re: Teresa Lisbon? Where has this been for five years? I am absolutely adoring this new Lisbon taking her life back and doing things that make her feel good? Like spending time with a man who tells her she's beautiful and he wants to spend more time with her. Also, RT has been looking absolutely fabulous doing it. I continue to love her facial expressions. And yeah, my GLEE at Jane's vague sadness and passive-aggressive moping and attempts at support continues strong. As he realizes that he has been a bit of a moron. I feel sad for him, but mostly GLEE that this is happening. Seriously, my GLEE would be less if Jane hadn't been irritatingly smug and always right for the better part of six seasons. Just saying.
So yeah, I'm really enjoying the reboot. Wiley was adorable in the last episode, with his computer that announced the time. And Dennis Abbott is the director that Jane has always needed. I continue to really enjoy Abbott a lot. And his dynamic with Jane is kinda perfect.
You know who is being a bit weird? Fischer. Her fascination (and vague tone of judgement) re: Lisbon's love life is starting to get a bit werid. Yes, Lisbon is dating another FBI Agent, but one in a completely different division. It's not like she's dating Cho (which would be super-weird, btw). I guess it is just an obvious topic of gossip; it's just strange. Perhaps if the writers did a better job at giving Fischer a personality, which they seemed to have decided to stop doing after the first couple of episodes. IDK. It's very sad, because there was definite potential.
But mostly I am all about Jane sulking as Lisbon makes dates on the phone while standing two feet from him. It delights me. It's more than I ever thought I'd get. (I mean, I don't want it indefinitely, but for now it's pretty charming.)
But mostly, I am here for Lisbon's facial expressions. Let's be real.
Elementary also continues to be fun. I don't really have anything to say, because it's its usually high-quality self.
Otherwise, I'm fairly blah. Seriously, I think it's the weather. I found myself getting more and more irritated as the humidity rose in the office today. Because oh yeah, it was about 23 degrees this afternoon. CELSIUS. I was wearing a (light) sweater. Because I foolishly assumed that the temperature would be within ten degrees of yesterday's temperature. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER IN OTTAWA. It was so stupidly hot and uncomfortable at work. I could feel my internal rage rising. Which I had to tamp down on because I had a four o'clock meeting. And obviously the air conditioning wasn't working. Since, y'know, last week heat was a necessity. There is a pile of snow in the parking lot across the street that is still more than a story high. And tomorrow it is supposed to snow/freeze rain. All I ask is a little consistency! OR AT THE VERY LEAST SUN. Because oh yeah, it also rained half the day. I know it's April in Ontario, and so thus literaly anything is fair game (I wouldn't bat an eye at a plague of frogs at this point). But I'm finding it hard to be philosophical about it right now. No wonder half the people I know are sick.
And yeah, part of it is just me. I have been reasonably disaffected lately. I vaguely want to do things. Read. Write fic. Run around aimlessly. Go shopping. I don't even know. Restless. I feel restless. Vaguely stir crazy inside my own brain. I feel like I'm constantly searching for mental distractions of some kind. I simultaneously want to do a million things, and nothing at all. Le sigh.
I need some kind of plan. I will think on that.
Seriously, I'm even somehow simultaneously sick of all of my music. My library books are piling up again. Because I'm just not reading any of them. I've started (and subsequently abandoned) rewatches of about three shows in the last week. I need discipline. Or something.
A vacation. I'm going to Wales and London. In a month and a half.
In the interim I will glare at the weather.
And giggle at TV shows.