A Light to Burn All the Empires

Dec 20, 2010 13:53

 Title: A Light to Burn All the Empires
Author: arsenicjade 
Reader: h_lunulata  / nodense 
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Mikey/Frank/Pete
Format/Length: mp3/m4b, 3:21:04
Author's Warnings: D/s, violence, hospitals
Author's Summary: Mikey and Frank are outed. There are, as one might imagine, repercussions.

Reader's Notes: Recorded for aphelant  , for Podbang 2010!

Story link ( Read more... )

pairing:mikey/frank/pete, fandom:mcr rpf, length:2:00-5:00, fandom:fob rpf, rating:nc-17

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Comments 5

merlenhiver October 13 2011, 23:14:58 UTC
Hi there, just wanted to let you know, I've been listening to a couple of your podfics lately (including this one), and I love your voice and diction. I've been having trouble sleeping lately, and listening to podfics helps. It has to be a good reading voice though.

... okay, and now I've practically told you that your voice puts me to sleep. :P It's totally a compliment though. :D


h_lunulata November 5 2011, 20:48:12 UTC
Hey! Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you - RL has been full of oh-hey-you're-a-junior-in-college-that-probably-means-you-should-work.

This comment made me so happy! :D I'm so glad you like my voice, and I totally took the fact that my podfic puts you to sleep as a compliment before you made sure I knew it was one. :)

Thank you again! :D


sophie_448 December 21 2012, 03:22:52 UTC
So, I'm embarking on a project of actually going back and leaving comments on podfics that I love. So here I am! I've had this story on my iPod for ... I'm not sure, a while now. And it's one that I come back and listen to over and over again. I absolutely love your voice and reading style. Your characterization and inflection are just lovely. So for many, many hours of enjoyment, thank you.


h_lunulata January 31 2013, 20:27:09 UTC
asjfk;lasfsdfas thank you so much for commenting! i'm sorry it took me so long to respond - i am the worst at internet interaction.

it means so much to me that you would come back and comment - almost as much as it means to me that you re-listen to my podfic!

for many, many smiles and keymashes, thank you. :)


akamine_chan June 18 2013, 03:13:54 UTC
I hadn't actually read this story until after I listened to your podfic, and I enjoyed your performance tremendously. I loved the pacing, which was perfect for the slow building of the relationships. Thank you for sharing!


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