*Stop sayin bad words! *Go to Church EVERY sunday *Keep workin out even after gym season *Read a new book every 3 weeks *NO SODA OR CHIPS *Keep a personal (write in it) journal
im sorry that im saying this on a livejournal comment and not to your face but i never see you at school and i dont even think you know who i am. im not trying to talk shit or start anything im just getting a little irritated with some things. david is a great guy and i dont like how you make him out to be this obsessive bad ex boyfriend. ive had people talk to me about what an ass he is because of things youve told them that never happened. you've also given no regard to things very important to him that he gave you that you now just keep in your attic. and how, after 6 months, you still think everything is about you. sorry hun, but like you, david has moved on. stop making drama over things that have nothing to do with you at all.
Open your chest and show me how much you careheyy_yaFebruary 9 2004, 15:40:45 UTC
Its not that i cant stand you...you just cant stand me kneegrow, and how you cant seem to look a good friend of mine ( charlyn ) in the eye...or how you told people b/s stories..when you get ur ish stright then try to comment back...
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