i miss you michelle. cause we can be silly together. oh yeah and boys are retarded. ive concluded. isnt it funny how they cant be normal and just treat you like youre a human. Aye! one day they will all grow up and realize how dumb they've been. riiiight.
anyways now that im done babbling. I LOVE YOU. and ill call you when i come in town, and we can hang out with ali and be dorks at the park. yay. and pee on trees! yes! bye
Comments 2
i miss you michelle. cause we can be silly together. oh yeah and boys are retarded. ive concluded. isnt it funny how they cant be normal and just treat you like youre a human. Aye! one day they will all grow up and realize how dumb they've been. riiiight.
anyways now that im done babbling. I LOVE YOU. and ill call you when i come in town, and we can hang out with ali and be dorks at the park. yay. and pee on trees! yes! bye
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