
Aug 07, 2009 18:17

A few days ago i thought 'hmm, i should listen to 13STAIRS [-] 1'     because... well, i'm one of those people who listen to newly downloaded songs just like 'blah, not really paying attention...' and well, maybe one might catch my attention and i'll probably listen to it and kind of just ignore the others .______.     so yeah, i wasn't really paying attention to DIM the first time i listened lol... just looking forward to A MOTH UNDER THE SKIN so i listened out for that.. and i read that 13STAIRS was odd so i thought 'ah, whatever i'll listen to that, OGRE, IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS and DIM SCENE some other times etc... Shiroki Yuuutsu had captured my attention... and Nakigahara was kind of just... not really taking notice of? but yes, so i listened to 13STAIRS [-] 1 and i really cannot get over at how absolutely amazing it is... Mr Uruha, you have killes my brain with your super super composing... well, today's entry i planned on using to describe some of those songs off DIM... not a review, but just... how i feel about those songs...

HAKURI - i really dislike all the intrumentals except this one and KANSHOKU. hmm, i thought it's quite a cool album beginning, but i was really struck at how similar it sounded to Sa Bir [the intro song to Dir en grey's] UROBOROS.. well, mainly that sound in the background that starts at 0:26 seconds.. i don't know how to describe it, but it is the EXACT same sound as is used in Sa Bir... the.. guitar? [i'm sorry i'm really bad at this >___<] that comes in later on is really nice, but that too reminded me quite a lot of Sa Bir... but i like the way the song fades out, that kind of sound is cool and gives off a vibe that just matches the album's sound..

THE INVISIBLE WALL - the beginning is really really cool... hmm first heard it on the GazettE's OHP... and i really like how the guitars come in after that... and i never really thought Kai's drumming was especially amazing.. but everyone kept saying it,  though i'm really bad at picking this type of thing up... but after listening to ut more, the way they're played just sounds really cool in the beginning... and the music is really nice when Ruki starts singing... and i really adore the heavy way the guitars are played... especially at about 0:43 when Ruki starts whispering... and then when he whispers again... and i really love that scream after it... hmm, at first impression i didn't think much of this song.. but now it's just... a nice song, not a favourite though. i don't know, there's something about the way Ruki sings it that just bothers me... ah, and i really love the parade-like drumming after the first chorus.. i think it sounds really cool. Ruki's last note is really nice too... i always love when he holds a note and it kind of wavers... ahh DLN ;______;   .. i don't really like the addition of the female vocals in it though... the end is super cool though with that drumming and then the beginning sound again...

A MOTH UNDER THE SKIN - this.. this song, i have most been looking forward to talking about. one of the things that draws me to it is how arrogant Ruki sounds.. and whenever i listen to it, there is this incredibly strong feeling at how amazing Aoi is for having composed a song as this.. and of course, there is the bassline which is just... wow.  the beginning is really wow... the bass, then that record sound, then Ruki comes in and the instruments and it all just sounds really really amazing, and then he sings and the bass comes in... then the guitars come in HEAVILY!  this is the type of sound i love; this is what drew me to HOLE and Zetsu and General by Nightmare. it is just the sound i associate Aoi with.. it's a really amazing sound. and then.. then that sound that fades in... it's really amazing.. but i don't know what that is.. is that a guitar sound? i'm sorry i'm so dumb with this type of thing... but that sound is... and then the really have sound comes in again.. like, dun dun... dun dun... [it really reminds me of the beginning to BURIAL APPLICANT.. but then again Aoi wrote that too haha...] and then right before the chorus, the way in which the guitars sound is really really incredible.. i'm just so drawn to that type of sound! i'm sorry my descriptions are so failed.. just 'amazing' 'cool'.. ahh, but yes, the chorus.. THIS is where Ruki sounds so incredibly ARROGANT... and i really just love that so much! well, to me he does... then the bass again.. and the instrumental part.. the heavy guitar sound again! then the way the guitars again.. it reminds me of HOLE... ahhh Aoi is so amazing... ah, obviously all the members are amazing for playing it this way... but why is this song so short? even though the end fades out it still sounds way to abrupt...
but, this song... it just makes me think of a elegant, coy, arrogant woman. she knows she is sought after, she knows you can't... but she winks at you and beckons you towards her, daring you to come find out the secret you desperately want to know, but know you shouldn't...   does that make sense?

LEECH - ahh, i don't think i'll talk about the songs which are on singles already, but, i thought the revamped version sounds really cool; the first time i heard it, i thought it sounded different but i had absolutely no idea what had changed... and i still don't, but i like it more than the original version.

Nakigahara - i don't think i like this song as much as i should.. or as much as it deserves to be loved, and i don't even know why because it really is an amazing song... but, what is that kind of, bubble-like sound that plays in the background at points in the song? especially after Ruki has sung 'sayounara...'  it's seems strangely befitting for the song... and, i think those are the favourite parts of the song for me [when Ruki sings sayounara..]. the beautiful sincere way in which he sings it is really amazing, and the way he sings 'namida, namida, namida' is really amazing too... are those the right words even? i hope so... the koto sounds really beautiful played in the parts of the song, but i don't like the female voices, again. ah, then comes the bass solo which i think i look forward to the most... and then after that, the guitar? sound in the background... i love how haunting it is... and the bubble sound again... i'm so technically failed at this ahh... i'm completely ignoring drums aren't i? but, i just can't tell at all with drums... [forgive me Kai]. the piano sounds really beautiful, and then the 'anata no [wo?]....' repetition sounds really nice the way how it's kind of.... more faded than the instruments... is it? that's how it sounds to me... the instruments sound so nice there... but i always think the ending of as pretty poorly done... why does it just cut off in the middle of the line? or is it not meant to be like that...

ERIKA - i really... do not like these interval songs... they make me feel so dirty and frightened.. namely i think it is ERIKA and Shikyuu... i really cannot stand Shikyuu...

HEADACHE MAN - yes this was on the DISTRESS AND COMA single.. i really like this one.. well, i think my liking for it has faltered somewhat... but, i think it's only because it is amongst these songs... to me, it kind of feels like this song is the underdog of the album; it's been looked down upon by the other songs..

Guren - i didn't know this song was revamped until i read about it.. but, i've never really been a giant fan of this song.. it IS nice and everything, but i've never really connected with it that much haha.. well, i guess i did a bit after i saw Ruki sing it on the RCE DVD, but that wasn't really a 'i adore this song' kind of connection... it was really only a surface kind of thing and i got over it in about a week... but with a song like this, i always feel bad about not liking it, like Miseinen and Best Friends.. ah, it's not dislike but more like 'i don't really care if i listen to this song or not' so i normally would skip it if it comes up randomly...

Shikyuu - as i said before.. i absolutely cannot stand this song; the distorted cries of the baby... they just affect me on a different type of level [not saying i'm traumatised or have any direct relation to any traumatic thing]. i think, just because they are distorted.. i think, it's mainly that clock-like sound that plays in the foreground of the song, but as a whole... it's really inhuman, and doesn't sound like anything that should be heard. i worded that really stupidly, but that's what i mean.. sorry i'm so failed at this ._____.

13STAIRS [-] 1 - this song... it is just really... really, so amazing... the heavy way the guitars play in the beginning, then as they continue on, and the 'woaaah' in the background just makes me shiver... the way the guitars play in the whole song is just amazing... 'woooaaaa  oaaaa oooooooooooooooooooo oaoaoa'  that always sends chills through me... and then he tones it up... Ruki, he is really an amazing singer.. then,.. then.. the heavy sound.. then the group yell, and then the heavy guitars for a while.. that sound is just so amazing... and then the sound during Ruki's singing... then this bit is my favourite how he sings here, the kind of yell-singing, then the really arrogant voice, then how Ruki yells, and the rest of the members [i assume] yell back... then.. THE LAUGH! oh my god.. that laugh, is just really really.. *dies*... then a weird kind of fade out that i just love... then heavy guitar sound again ;_____; love...then my favourite part again... return yell, *arrogant haha*.. then this bit is really really... shiver again... the scream/singing in the foreground and the 'wooaaaaah' in the background... then the sound changes with the various voices of Ruki shouting out obscene things... and then the slow fade out... and those screams.. they really remind me of Kyo..   'woaaaaaaaaaaaah' in the background... i just, really love this song...
the beginning reminds me.. of a dark, empty, musty underground carpark... with that smell; so you know that underground smell? i really love that... and... kind of, like a teenage boy sitting in a corner of it... knees at his chest and face and hands on his knees... and then when the guitars come in heavy, it's like the boy looks up.. and suffers weird visions.. maybe he's been taking drugs..? and he sees all these really dark images... and, well, it kind of works like a story but it didn't quite work out with the song; i think the style of it jumps around too much... but really, Uruha is so amazing for composing such a song... i can't actually even use proper words to expres how i feel about this song.. or, how it impacts me i guess... it's just so amazing...

Kanshoku - this is the only instrumental i like.. but this one is actually quite beautiful, the piano... but, that kind of fade in breathing sound ads that sense of creepiness that the other songs possess.. but, unh, i really like this one, it's nice

Shiroki Yuuutsu - ... it's so kind and gentle... i can't believe that a song can sound so kind... the abrupt way it sounds... that beautiful, beautiful guitar, played so softly... and the singing, so kind... but, in this song.. i really found the way the drums sound beautiful... even they sound gentle... everything about this song is so immensely KIND. the orchestral violins in the background... then Ruki starts whispering.. and the acoustic guitar... there's a bit that sounds Spanish.. so pretty.. and the bass is really kind sounding too... and then Ruki sings.. and when the orchestra comes in strongly... the softer bit... the bass sounds really cool there... then, the guitar solo... it too, it sounds so gentle! chorus again.. ahh, favourite bit coming up soon... well, one of two... here, here... 'yura.. yura, yura'... just how all the instruments stop before he sings that last 'yura' is so.. beautiful.. . and here, the second favourite bit.. it just sends a chill through me when it all just stops, except the violins in the background and then the acoustic guitar comes in with Ruki's soft voice... ah, wow it's just really incredible.. Aoi... again he composed such an amazing song...
it's the most gentle, the most kind person ever... s/he's the person any traumatised child would run to, seek comfort from them, be consoled... s/he would also be able to help, and smile all the way... but inside, there is something dark hiding that they're not going to share, something they can't share, but that will just eat at them, and so, they hide it with a smile and survive on the happiness of others...  yet another image i received.

IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS - umm, i still don't really think much of this song... i haven't listened to it a lot and i don't think i'll listen to it as i write this, like i did with the other songs. i think it just sounds really American... it reminded my a lot of Green Day when i properly listened to it today. The chorus kind of reminds me of CIRCLE OF SWINDLER.. but generally i don't feel that attached to it... the last three songs of this album don't appeal to me that much.

OGRE - um, i don't really remember what this sounded like.. well, i had the impression that it sounded somewhat like MOB 136 BARS by the way that Ruki sings it, that yelling voice, and i really don't like MOB, so OGRE didn't appeal much to me either...

DIM SCENE - i have to listen to that again because i really don't remember it... wow the beginning is really beautiful with the violin... okay i'm just skipping through this song... um, i guess it's nice but i find it a bit dull.. i guess i haven't listened to it enough... maybe i'll get attached to it later on?

um, sorry about all these useless ramblings... these quite, uninventive descriptions... but, the meanings of  A MOTH UNDER THE SKIN, 13STAIRS [-] 1 and Shiroki Yuuutsu have been floating through my mind for a few days now.. so i thought i'd just write them down haha..

EDIT: i know i am such an idiot i forgot about DISTRESS AND COMA... i really loved the first time i heard it, how it had all the orchestral instruments.. it is so cool. i really love when Ruki starts to sing the chorus:
odoru, odoru...  i'm sorry i can't be bothered to give my opinion on it now haha... but, i am kind of oover it now, though i really loved it the first time

yes, i know this isn't a real blog entry but i'm not going to continue with this otherwise it would just go on forever.. i mean, even though i don't have a lot of stuff i think i need to mention, i bet i'd remember more things or just trail of with something else, yeah? so it ends here for today :3

Aoi.. looks really cute... [yes, i purposely ignored the other members.. don't ask why, i dunno]

oh wow... that is.. really... really... so cute x___________________x [i want his pants they're so cool...]

[i'm sorry, another manic Aoi phrase... it's like Aoi bipolar.. not really, but you know]

band:the gazette

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