Title: Blinded Author: habitualunacy Pairing: Nichkhun/Wooyoung Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance, Angst Summary: Sometimes what we're looking for has always been right by our side. A/N: Khun's POV, thoughts, "speech"
This is beautiful :) I think the first few lines is exactly what I feel about woo. I know he's cute and all, but there's that split seconds where he's not playing funny or cute or cheeky, when he just stay silent and composed, that's when that charm 'explodes.. Very well writen. Thank you for sharing this. It puts a smile on my face .lol'
I felt like I was watching movie or sth. You describet every little thing. ^^ It was so, umm, realistic? and cute. I hope WooYoung understood the hidden message in the end. ^^
Comments 16
That was sooooo sweet!
I think this story was beautiful, I like the way you describe Khunks feeling, it seems so real...hehe^^
Very well writen. Thank you for sharing this. It puts a smile on my face .lol'
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